Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Proven Leadership - Rick Perry's first campaign ad

These movie trailer-like campaign ads seem to be all the rage these days. It is pretty easy to see why, they are attention getting and Perry's ad is no exception. The stark contrast between the Obama images (monochromatic and foreboding) and the Perry image (colorful and inspiring) is quite effective.

However, I think this ad would be far more effective if Perry was already the nominee, rather than competing to become the nominee. The type of ad Perry needs now is one that states his record and define himself. That is what is needed by Republicans who are looking for their candidate in 2012.

Since I have not yet given my opinion on Perry yet, I shall do so now.

On paper Rick Perry looked very promising to me (several terms of chief executive experience from a solidly conservative job creating state and buckets of vibrato to stand toe to toe against Obama's arrogance). However, the reality is a little bit lacking (past associations with con man Al Gore, that Gardasil executive order, illegal immigration and two mediocre debate performances). Given these issues, it is not surprising that Perry no longer holds double digit leads over Romney.

At tomorrow's debate, Perry is going to have to bring his A-Game and then some. Otherwise, he may find himself fighting it out with the conservatives he leapfrogged over when he entered the race.

Video h/t: The Blaze
Via: Rasmussen


FIREBIRD said...

I love this ad... when Obama says 'I'm just getting started!' the hair on the back of my neck stands up.

Perry is NOT the perfect candidate, but none of them are. His debate performances weren't stellar, but he seemed at ease, considering the pressure he was under. Romney is just so rehearsed and slick.... I just don't like him. I'll be watching tonight to see if either of them pull away from the crowd.

Just a conservative girl said...

I think they all suck. I don't like any one of them. I have decided that I am not letting go of my principles anymore. If the GOP can't get a decent candidate then I will just have to look elsewhere.

I will be putting my energies into the VA senate race next year. Tim Kaine will have the full backing of the democratic party and will be tough to beat.

I just cannot get excited about any of the presidential candidates.

Anonymous said...

As a native Texan I will say I have issues with Perry. The ones you've already mentioned Plus that Trans Texas Highway thing that threatened to take(steal) property thru imminent domain. There was such outrage from Texas landowners that Perry and the Texas Dept.of Transportation had to backtrack and say they would only widen Existing highways - not build new ones. Yeah....that went well. (To my knowledge - no highway widening has started for that.)
I'm voting for Herman Cain in the TX primary, altho' Allen West was my first choice.....maybe in 2016 Allen West will run if the 2012 winner hasn't done well.

SB Smith

GrumpyOne said...

I agree with SB Smith but would add the issuance of junk bonds to build the 290E tollway in Austin, his abysimal record on illegal immigration and his "no new taxes" (but watch out for them thar' fees!) policy.

Perry reminds me of Kerry i.e., goodhair, arrogance and a look down on ya attitude.

Perry = RINO...

GrumpyOne in Austin

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