Friday, July 31, 2009
Air Force One flyover photos, $328k for what?

Why the Beer Summit was such a bore snore.

Thursday, July 30, 2009
Protesters at Obama's Town Hall Meeting in Raleigh
WTF? Maxine Waters scores #5 in The Hill's 50 Most Beautiful?


Government "savings" is a joke!

Hillary Clinton election ready?

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Obama loses ground on health care

Radio Palin anyone?

Move over Rush, make way Hannity, pass the microphone Mark Levin, Sarah Palin maybe testing the waters of radio!
Ironic twist? Methinks not, Sarah Palin was always aware that there was a media filter working against her.
I like being able to answer these tough questions without the filter, even, of the mainstream media kind of telling viewers what they've just heard. I'd rather be able to just speak to the American people like we just did.
What is the best way to get around that filter? Have your own damn show. Plus a radio show would certainly fit her stated plans. (Palin resignation 7/3/2009)
And there is such a need to BUILD up and FIGHT for our state and our country. I choose to FIGHT for it! And I'll work hard for others who still believe in free enterprise and smaller government; strong national security for our country and support for our troops; energy independence; and for those who will protect freedom and equality and LIFE... I'll work for and campaign for those PROUD to be American, and those who are INSPIRED by our ideals and won't deride them.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Tea Time for Claire McCaskill's Town Hall meeting.
Who’s afraid of Citizen Palin? MoveOn is!
Sarah Palin has not even enjoyed a good 24 hours as a free woman and she is already being targeted with attack ads. Check out this attack ad by MoveOn:
No matter what the talking heads tell you about Sarah Palin, know this, she scares the bejeeesus out of the left! Don’t believe me? Ask your self this. Mitt Romney is moving up in conservative polls and has tied Obama in a recent match up, how come there are no Mitt Romney attack ads? How come the left are not writing endless negative pieces on him? How come no one on the left seems to show the slightest alarm that he ties Obama in a 2012 match up?
Just like Palin, Romney is a private citizen, just like Palin Romney has spoken out against Obama’s policies, but unlike Palin, no one on the left seems to pay any attention to Mitt Romney. That is because they know they can polish him off in 2 seconds flat. The left long ago wrote the playbook on how to deal with old white and wealthy Republican males.
While we are on the topic of Palin, there is another thing that the talking heads keep bringing up. They all say that Palin should not go after the media because it sounds like whining. I say BS! Conservatives have eaten humble pie, played along and worked around media bias for decades and what has it brought us? No one damn thing. The media still plays their little game of bias and has now completely jumped the shark for Obama. So why not point out that they are two face liars and pushing the left’s agenda instead of reporting news. If anyone is deluding himself or herself thinking that the dirty trick used by the media against Palin won’t be deployed against the 2012 GOP candidate, they had better think again.
Lessons learned from Gates-gate

Now that the 911 tapes have been released, we find that the neighbor’s call was not racially motivated. So what lessons can we learn from Gates-gate thus far.
Lesson 1: Even in big and sometimes impersonal cities like Cambridge, neighbors still watch your back. The neighbor called the police as a concerned citizen. She had no interest other than looking out for someone’s property she did not know.
Lesson 2: Tripping out on a police officer is never a good idea. Makes no difference if you are black, white, purple, green or yellow, tripping out on a police officer can get in landed in pokey, laws be damned. Police officers are human, they can get angry too, the thing to remember is that they carry pepper spray, handcuffs, firearms and most importantly the ability to cart you away. If a police officer crosses the line and pisses you off, bite your tongue and bide your time. You will have the upper hand AFTER he or she is out of your face.
Lesson 3: While some racism can still be found in America today, America has come a very long way in terms of racism. Just because a black man has an encounter with a white police officer, doesn’t automatically mean there is a racial issue. It is time we stop reacting to racial angst from our past and start seeing race in America as it exist today. Remember Obama would never be president if only black people voted for him.
Lesson 4: It is not necessary or wise for the President of the United States to speak out on every little issue of the day. Do we really need to know a president’s opinion is on sports events, celebrities, local issues and so forth? This business of presidents commenting on everything has been going on for a while. It intensified under Clinton and continued at that level with Bush and Obama. I think it is time we stop asking presidents about these types of things and use the time to ask more probing questions like what the hell is in that healthcare bill?
Lesson 5: This one is for Obama, choose your friends more wisely!
Monday, July 27, 2009
The craziness behind Obamanomics

Federal Reserve gone wild
Sunday, July 26, 2009
ACORN outnumbered by Tea Party Patriots 10-1 on Long Island
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Another close friend of Obama turns out to be shady

This from Reihl World View:
Henry Louis Gates, Jr controls a tax-exempt, non-profit charity, Inkwell Foundation, Inc, that managed to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars in direct support in one year, yet only gave out $27,500 in grants, the bulk of which went to Gates' employees and Harvard colleagues. Also, as recently as September 2008, the Boston Globe reported that Gates' charity was not in compliance with the law for failing to register the proper paperwork, despite the charity existing since 2005. The charge at the time was that it was "bogus," as you'll see below. In fact, the state Attorney General's office told the Globe the charity was likely either inactive, or dissolved. Yet, documents below show the charity is healthy, wealthy and active.
Perhaps this is why the brother was trippin’ when the cops showed up. He must have thought the jig was up! Read the whole thing, it is quite fascinating.
Obamacare: Just Say No!

AUSTIN — Gov. Rick Perry, raising the specter of a showdown with the Obama administration, suggested Thursday that he would consider invoking states’ rights protections under the 10th Amendment to resist the president’s healthcare plan, which he said would be "disastrous" for Texas.
To say I like the way Rick Perry stands firm on his state’s 10th Amendment rights would be an understatement. When you think about how Washington is hell-bent on bankrupting the nation, why should states sleep walk right into disaster?
Texas is in far better financial shape than Washington to begin with, clearly Texas’ policies are working and Washington’s is not, so why accept a massive program that will hurt the state’s economy?
If there is one thing the current Congress and Obama have succeeded at, it seems to be the awakening of “We The People”. Certainly among the conservative grassroots, activism is in full bloom. Tea Parties are springing up everywhere, Congressmen getting laughed at over their foolishness and even MoveOn getting rolled at a rally. Just today I read where some New Yorkers are looking into abolishing its state Constitution and installing a new one!
The American people instinctively know that now is not the time for expensive job killing boondoggles like Obamacare and Cap and Tax. America took a bath over the faux stimulus and is not likely going to sit by and get snookered again. Over the next 3 and a half years, I hope this grassroots push back on Washington grows so that common sense can make a come back.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Welcome to New Jersey! We make Blagos!

When I looked at the list of who they nabbed this time, I saw two types of folks. The first type made me say, what took them so long to catch that crook and the other type made my jaw drop in surprise.
They arrested the one-month in office mayor of Hoboken; they arrested two of the mayoral candidates from Jersey City’s last election, they also arrested two other city mayors, plus a slew of underlings. Rumor has it, they will be taking in another crop today too!
Why so much corruption in NJ you ask? I see three reasons:
1. Massive Government. As stated by Governor Corzine (I wonder if he will be getting a knock on the door) in his press conference on the matter, New Jersey’s government is too large. With so many elected officials, it is all too easy to find a weak link to corrupt.
2. Cronyism. So many of the people arrested today have been kicking around for years. They live like leeches off government. So many of them hold city, county and state jobs at the same time and trade off positions from one administration to the next. They never seem to be out of office. It is so bad that some of them even have their children working the system in the same way.
3. Property taxes. Because property taxes are so damn high here in New Jersey, the temptation to bribe someone to catch a break is all to great. If you are a developer it actually makes sense to bribe someone for a tax abatement or rate discount and all it takes is the stroke of a pen from the right politician.
So until New Jersey gets smaller government with term limits and lower taxes, it will continue to churn out little Blagos by the bucketful.
Henry Louis Gates, Jr.: Respect My Authoritah!

Sadly, brothers like Gates get all the attention, more attention than real racism like those poor kids getting kicked out of the pool in Philly.
After reading about both sides of the story, I bet Gates’ real problem wasn’t that the cops were racist (heck, wasn’t one of the cops in the picture black too) but that they did not recognize Gates’ authority at Harvard. As Eric Cartman from South Park would say, they did not respect his authoritah! Instead the cops just did their job, they got a report that there was a suspected break in, they went to the location and made double sure that the person in the house was really the owner, case close. Their biggest sin was that they treated Gates like a common man, not a common black man mind you, but just a common man. That is what pissed Gates off and made him pull a race card.
I also suspect that it was the cops failure to recognize Gates’ Harvard status, which made Obama call them stupid! Obama too seems to revels a wee bit too much in his authoritah. He has made little references to his superior status from time to time. Even in his news conference he had this line:
So let me be clear. This isn't about me.
I have great health insurance, and so does every member of Congress.
This statement is a rather telling thing to say when you are trying to sell “universal” healthcare to the masses.
For Obama the cops were stupid because they did not know who the great Henry Louis Gates, Jr. was and therefore did not afford Gates all the courtesies and specials privileges that his status at Harvard should bring. For Obama that was the reason for the cop’s stupidity and the justification for Gates’ anger.
In the end, the whole Gates dust up has little to do with a black man being wronged and everything to do with an elitist not getting his ass kissed.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Obama’s Fifth “News” Conference

Obama is walking up to the podium: I cannot believe how many people complained about Bush’s swagger, but not a peep about Obama. He is clearly swaggering up to the podium.
Obama starts speaking: Amen he is clearly using the Jumbo Prompter, no ping-pong head tonight!
The press is completely useless, their questions all seem rehearsed. The whole Q and A part reminds me of when I was in grade school and we had to prepare questions for a guest speaker. We would have to write questions and the teacher would edit them, then when the speaker arrived the next day we would stand up and give our scripted questions and sit back and let the speaker droned on and on and on.
None of these questions are kind that the public would like to know. Here is a question I would have asked: Who the hell is the government to decide how long my parents or grandparents get to live and in their “infinite wisdom” should they decide wrong, can I sue the living hell out of them?
Obama’s rambling, long-winded answers seem like just a bunch of assertions, anecdotes and pure BS. No facts or real answers.
Overall impression
This presser was a waste of time. Everything Obama said has been said before. His arguments for radically changing our healthcare system are weak and would hardly stand up if the media were to actually press him on any of it.
None of his arguments really answer the basic question as to why we need to change the entire system by handing full control to the government. All of his concerns can be address individually for less money, less time and without changing everything for everyone.
Obama’s need to paint Republicans as obstructionist is foolish. Everyone knows that they have absolutely no power to change anything. The real holdouts here are from his party and they are balking because the American people don’t like what he is selling.
Speaking of selling, what is it he is trying to sell us so damn quickly? He is basically asking the American people to sign on to a full transformation of our healthcare system because he says it is broken and this is the only way to fix it. Never mind that the fix is not fully defined in terms of costs, terms of service, etc. Plus he is asking for this at a time when the full effect of him damaging himself by bullshitting Americans on the Stimulus is starting to be felt.
In the end, I don’t think Obama will prevail before August. If anything passes this year, it will be some crazy hodgepodge that gives the government more control but not full control of healthcare.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Shop those lies someplace else!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
He knows not what he sells

Click here to hear the audio.
Aside from the price tag, healthcare reform is failing because, like the Stimulus and Cap and Trade, no one knows what the hell is in the damn thing. People are not comfortable with these mystery legislations that Congress doesn’t even care to read. Now it seems that Obama doesn’t care to read them either.
Obama calls on left wing bloggers to help save Obamacare

David Axelrod and Obama had a conference call with lefty bloggers to help get support and knock down “myths” about Obamacare. What is really funny is that one of the lefty bloggers (Crooks and Liars) actually recorded the conversation and uploaded it to his blog!
President Obama and David Axlerod hosted a conference call with liberal bloggers today on the whole health care issue. The audio contains the entire call with the President. You know we’re heading for the home stretch in this debate and I thought it was a good idea that the President reached out to the blogs and acknowledged the work that we’ve done so far. Here’s a quick recap of the points he made.
Is this just me or does this whole thing stink of desperation? Perhaps Obama had this little fireside chat because more ugly things are coming out about Obamacare like this:
“The section, titled ‘Advanced Care Planning Consultation’ requires senior citizens to meet at least every 5 years with a doctor or nurse practitioner to discuss dying with dignity.”
Monday, July 20, 2009
Bobby Jindal's Politico article
'A trillion here, a trillion there'
Things in Louisiana are looking up. We are announcing major economic development wins and private capital investment and reducing government spending in order to live within our means. We just completed a grueling legislative session where we all had to work together, Democrats and Republicans, to find a way to do more with less.
We trimmed government spending, protected vital services and refused to raise taxes. (As is the case in any legislative body, some gave it a try). I can’t say our legislative session was much fun, but it was necessary, and it is the American way. Or, at least we thought it was.
Would the last sane person in Washington please turn out the lights when you leave?
Drive by bloggin'! When you don't have time to blog

With that here is a recap of some stories that caught my eye.

The truth shall set you free
Perhaps now that a first class moron has explained Obama’s moronic economic policy, people will wake up and realize that we are in deep trouble. I said it before and I will say it again, Biden is the gift that keeps on giving!
Silly Barbara things if she mentions the NAACP then all blacks just fall in line. Please, every knows that the NAACP is nothing more than another left wing organization, but in this case with black faces. The NAACP acts just like NOW, pushing the left wing agenda first and foremost, while pretending to speak for all members of a certain group. I am glad Mr. Alford called her out on her condescending bullshit. She was speaking to him the whole time like he was some 3rd grader.

I have always been a great fan of America’s manned space missions. I remember my entire family watching all of the moon missions with great attention. We even watched the first shuttle launches with great awe. Sadly, today as I watch, the old clips I cannot help feeling like those were the Glory Days of America. Today our nation is on the verge of financial ruin as we take on so much debt because too many people want a free ride and we have too many politicians willing to give them one. Will America ever be able to scale such dazzling heights again? I pray that sanity prevails during the next 4 years.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Obamacare: It’s not about options

In their editorial titled It’s Not An Option, they found this in the House version of the bill on page 16:
When we first saw the paragraph Tuesday, just after the 1,018-page document was released, we thought we surely must be misreading it. So we sought help from the House Ways and Means Committee.
It turns out we were right: The provision would indeed outlaw individual private coverage. Under the Orwellian header of "Protecting The Choice To Keep Current Coverage," the "Limitation On New Enrollment" section of the bill clearly states:
"Except as provided in this paragraph, the individual health insurance issuer offering such coverage does not enroll any individual in such coverage if the first effective date of coverage is on or after the first day" of the year the legislation becomes law.
So in other words, you can keep your private insurance now, but God help you if you loose it or need to switch. Then you only option is the public option.
As a self-employed individual, it is crucial for me to be able to shop around to keep my costs down. If my current insurer raises their rates, I would be unable to shop for another private insurer. I would either have to pay the higher rates or go on the public plan. If the public plan causes my private insurer to go out of business, then again I would be forced into the public paln.
This is nothing more than fascist strong-arm tactics. Obama and the Democrats true goal is to get everyone on government run health care whether you want to go or not.
What I don’t understand is, if it cost a trillion dollars to insure a fraction of those currently uninsured, then why on earth create a scheme that will force so many more on the public plan? How much more is that going to cost and who the hell is getting stuck with that tab?