Thursday, April 30, 2009
100 Day Of Arrogance

So, the lying tax cheat Sebelius gets confirmed.

About those fluorescent puppies.

- Who is keep an eye on these scientist to make sure they don't start making animal/ human hybrids?
- Does crossing genes of different species raise the possibility of creating new diseases that can be transmitted across a variety of species? If so who is keeping a watchful eye on that?
- What safeguards are in place should any of these experiments go terribly awry?
By the way, I own two beagles (pictured below) and considering how they love to lay about in the middle of the kitchen floor at night, it would be handy if they could glow when I came down for my late night snack. :-D

Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Good bye Arlen Specter, you self serving SOB!

Like any good self serving elitist, Specter officially changed parties to save his own ass. He knew Toomey was going to clean his clock and clean it good! Despite all Specter’s nonsense about the Republican Party leaving him,blah, blah, blah, the real reason he switched parties was to save his own self serving ass! I was floor that he admitted it too:
“I am not prepared to have my 29 year record in the United States Senate decided by the Pennsylvania Republican primary electorate”
What an arrogant bastard! Who the hell did he think helped to get him there in the first place?
Specter foolishly thinks that he can stick his finger in the Democrats eyes like he repeatedly did to the Republicans.
“I will not be an automatic 60th vote”
Good luck with that! The first time he lets the Democrats down on an important piece of legislation, MoveOn,org will be on him like white on rice. If there is one thing the Democrats don’t do, it is to waste time and money on turncoats and non party players. Look at Joe Lieberman, supported the war in Iraq and the Dems cut him loose. Watch, come 2010, they will all get behind a real Democrat no matter what they promise him today.
Now is the time for Republicans to finally clean house. One more Republican here or there is not going make a difference now. So, now is the time for Mr. Steel to cut funding to wishy washy unreliables like McCain, Snow, Collins, Graham and Hagel. If these guys want to play independent, let them finance their campaigns independently. In other words, put their money where their mouth is!
I will make it my business to make sure Specter is out of the Senate come 2010. I will support Toomey with cash and make calls if I can. I will even send money to any Democrat that challenges Specter. One way or another, I want to see this self serving RINO bastard sent out to pasture once and for all!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Swine Flu: Hype or Horror?

I am kind of getting that “don’t believe the hype” feeling about the Swine Flu. Remember SARS? Vaguely, right? Well it was covered by the media much the same way and nothing happened. Same for the Bird Flu when it first popped up.
Yes, we will face one of those population decimation diseases sooner or later. When it comes, it is going to have to be something that completely catches our science off guard. It will be during that time we are figuring it out, that it will take its toll on our populations. I just don’t see this happening with a different type of the flu.
To date there are about 70 known cases here in the United States. The media reports this in such ominous tones. However, when you remember that we are a nation of 300 million, you realize that we are not even talking about 1% of the population. The odds of not catching it are still greatly in your favor.
Only 2 Americans have died from the Swine Flu and almost 200 Mexicans. I think those deaths have more to do with the ineffectiveness of the Mexican government and its crummy healthcare system, than with the potency of this new strain of flu. Every year thousands die from the flu and we don't scream Pandemic!
For myself, I plan to watch how it progresses and follow normal flu season precautions (wash your hands regularly and avoid people who carelessly hack and spew in public). If it does take a turn for the worse, I have plenty of surgical masks and rubber gloves left over from handling my mail after 9/11.
What’s your view?
UPDATED: They're just so 9/10

For them it is still 9/10/2001. They ignore the true dangers of nuclear proliferation thinking that M.A.D will still work, thus no need for bolstering anti missile defense. They worry not about a small band of foreign invaders wreaking major havoc on cities and thus feel free to use DHS to attack their domestic political enemies. They still buy into the wrong headed notion that appeasing our enemies will buy us good will, completely ignoring the fact that 9/11 showed the world that you can strike the American Homeland.
Sadly for many on the left, nothing has changed since 9/11.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Meghan McCain: That Twit On Twitter.

Ok Meghan McCain, it is time someone gave you a little bit of advice. Since you are convinced that you have all the answers for rebuilding the Republican Party, you might want to start cultivating a more serious image… like now! Really girl, your tweets on Twitter have got to be the most vacuous bullshit I ever read. You sound like a twit on Twitter! I know you say that this is your personal junk, but come on!
If you want to stand toe to toe against serious, educated, conservative women like Laura Ingraham or Ann Coulter, you are going to have to sound like you do not have an echo chamber inside that little blonde head of yours.
For example, you tweeted today about Emimen and how cool he looks in his new video (Lord, is this video retarded).
[I used to have the hugest crush on Eminem when I was in high school and he still looks hot in his new music video]
That is sweet in a high school kind of way. However, serious women will eat your lunch for completely missing the blatant misogyny against Governor Palin in that video! You do realize that marginalizing Governor Palin also marginalizes the Republican Party, the very same party you still claim to be a member of and want to “progress“.
Also speaking of the Republican Party, your little piece in the Daily Beast about being creeped out over Karl Rove following your tweets. Get over yourself! He is probably following you to get a good laugh. Yeah girl, the folks are laughing at you. Yes they are! Why? Simple, you say you have all this thought provoking stuff to share with the Republican Party then you tweet BS like this:
[@allahpundit J Me too, I can talk politics all day and all night but sometimes a girl has to spread the word about a great mascara too J]
Somehow I don’t see Laura or Ann doing this right after a discussion about the consequences of the Obama Administration releasing those CIA memos.
Also, while we are at it, if you want to get taken seriously in politics, especially Republican politics, you might want to start writing a few more critical pieces about the Democrats. A search of both your blogs only revealed one!
I know that at Columbia University (John, Cindy, I smell a refund) leftwing ideology rules and the indoctrination is heavy duty, but for crying out loud your last name gives you access to some of the best Republican minds and all you can come up with is stale old leftwing talking points against Republicans?
So Meghan, in conclusion, if you do not want conservatives to place you on the ignore list like Brooks, Frum and Parker, you need to close that Twitter account like yesterday! Then distance yourself from the keyboard and give yourself time to THINK. Use that last name of yours to speak with some really smart people on both sides of the isle. Then and only then will Conservatives and Republicans take time to consider what you have to say, instead of saying “hey, did you hear what that twit Meghan McCain said on Twitter today”?
Better than Sponge Bob
Are you keeping your eye on Door #3?

Last week, while the mainstream media and all the talking heads were focusing their attention (and yours) on the Bush Administration’s memos on “Enhanced Interrogations”, House Democrats quietly moved to limit the debate on Obama’s Health Care Plan. Using a procedure called “reconciliation”, that allows only 20 hours of Senate debate, Democrats would be able to accomplish some pretty scary things.
- Have control over the details of Heath Care Plan.
- Stop Republican and conservative Democrat filibusters.
- Keep the timeframe of the legislation extremely short (think Stimulus Plan).
Quietly sneaking socialized medicine in through the backdoor is the last thing America needs. So this week, while the mainstream media is screaming at you to beware to the Swine Flu Pandemic, take time to contact Nasty Pelosi and Dingy Harry and let them know you have your eye on Door #3!
Nancy Pelosi
Harry Reid
Sunday, April 26, 2009
UPDATED: Palin calls out Obama on his phony bipartisanship. NOT!!!
To me this crazy mix up, is just further proof that US newspapers need to go the way of the dinosaurs. For a good read on US newspapers, check out Left Coast Rebel's blog here.
The New York Post has a piece up today called 100 Days, 100 Mistakes, detailing the mistakes of the Obama Administration. Mistake number 17 is penned by none other than Governor Sarah Palin. I copied it below and added emphasis to my favorite part.
The Governor, has been under constant attack back in Alaska after the election and she is still standing. From her piece below, clearly Sarah Palin can dish it out as well. I cannot help but wonder how different the 2008 campaign would have turned out had the ticket read Palin/McCain instead.
Obama soared to victory on the hopeful promise of a new era of bipartisanship. During his inaugural address he even promised an 'end to the petty grievances and false promises, the recriminations and worn-out dogmas, that for far too long have strangled our politics.'
Too bad it took all of three days for the promise to ring hollow.
Start with Obama's big meeting with top congressional leaders on his signature legislation -- the stimulus -- on the Friday after his inauguration. Listening to Republican concerns about overspending was a nice gesture -- until he shut down any hopes of real dialogue by crassly telling Republican leaders: 'I won.' Even the White House's leaking of the comment was a slap at the Republican leadership, who'd expected Obama to adhere to the custom of keeping private meetings with congressional leadership, well, private.
It's only gone downhill from there. The stimulus included zero Republican recommendations, and failed to get a single House Republican vote.
It's not just the tactic of using Republicans for bipartisan photo-ops, and then cutting them loose before partisan decisions, that irks Obama's opponents. The new president wasted no time rushing forward with policies and legislation guaranteed to drive Republicans nuts. The first bill he signed into law was the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act -- a partisan hot-button that drew all of eight Republican supporters in the entire Congress. Then there was the swift reversal of Bush policies on abortion and embryonic-stem-cell research -- issues dear to the Republican base.
And when Obama and the Democrats in Congress took up SCHIP -- the children's health-insurance bill that Republicans say vastly expands government's role in health care -- they had an easy chance for real bipartisanship. After all, the bill had been hashed out in the previous Congress, and a bipartisan accord was reached before President Bush responded with a veto. Did the Obama team push for the compromise version in the 111th Congress? Nope. They went back to the drawing board, ramming through the Democrats' dream version.
Of course, the lack of bipartisanship isn't limited to Capitol Hill. Obama has taken gratuitous swipes at the Republicans who recently decamped Washington, blaming President Bush for everything from the economy and the war to the lack of sufficient puppies and rainbows. And who could forget the Rush Limbaugh flap -- in which Obama's top advisers, including chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, orchestrated a public relations campaign meant to undermine the Republican National Committee chairman, Michael Steele, by framing talk-radio personality Limbaugh as the real head of the Republican Party.
For now, Obama's back-pedal on the bipartisanship promise just makes him look insincere. But the real consequences of the mistake will be felt soon enough. As Presidents Bush and Clinton could tell him, congressional majorities do change -- and at some point, Obama will need Republicans on his side. He'd be smart to spend his second 100 days making up for the serious snubs of his first."
-- Sarah Palin is the governor of Alaska
Note: If you would like to contribute to Palin's legal defense fund, scroll to the bottom of my blog for the link to The Alaska Fund Trust.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
For the love of God Henrietta Hughes, will you save yourself?
Well, it turns out poor helpless and hapless Henrietta is still waiting to be saved. Despite receiving a free house from a Republican no less (oh, those evil racist Republicans), Ms. Hughes is still working the system for a better life, rather than figuring out a way to change her circumstances on her own.
If you remember, Henrietta Hughes has a young and able body son, who together had some funny business going on with the sale of their homes. Despite significant money made there, Henrietta and her son cried broke and were living in her car. Today Henrietta and her son are taking computer courses and are claiming that the jobs are not there.
Sorry, but I call BS on these two. Are you telling me that with all the media attention Henrietta received back in Feb, she and her son could not hook up two minimum wage jobs until they could do better? What employer would not want the publicity of giving Ms. Hughes or her son a job? Heck, there was enough pity out there to land them a free house!
I looked up the minimum wage in Florida and it is $7.21 per hour. If both Henrietta and her son worked 40 hour each a week, they would bring home $288.40 each before taxes. Now lets say Uncle Sam was extra cruel and took $58.40 a week, each in taxes, Henrietta and her son would have about $460.00 a week combined or $1,840.00 a month combined.
If you look closely at the video above at the 2:00 mark, you will see Henrietta claims these expenses:
- $87.00 Tithes (notice this isn't highlighted in the video)
- $112.35 Storage
- $60.28 Car Insurance
- $50.00 Cash Loan
- $45.00 Visa
- $150.00 Gas
$504.63 Total
First of all, why is a woman that is living hand to mouth, giving away $87.00 an month in tithes? I am certain whatever church she belongs to would understand her dropping that figure to something a lot more reasonable, if not all together. Second, since Ms Hughes is living rent free in a large home, why is she still wasting $112.35 on storage? Ditching these two items, Ms. Hughes has about $300.00 in monthly overhead. Thus, leaving her and her son with $1,540.00 a month.
A quick Google search of rental property in Fort Myers Florida found some really hot finds. Check out this priced at $499-$935 a month (Damn if you can find anything this nice in NYC).
Now, I know this would be tight as far as budgets go, but come on, it is better than begging on national TV.
The problem with the Henrietta Hughes' of the world is that they feel if they work, they must have this awesome middle class life style with all the bells and whistles. Otherwise, why get off the dole? The truth is those of us who work for a living have to make do in all kinds of situations. I myself worked 3 part time jobs at one point in order to pay for college. However difficult it is, working is far better than getting jerked around by the government with all its red tape, rules and regulations.
So Henrietta, if you want a better life, stop the whining and the waiting! Instead get up off your ass and save yourself!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
PC Thought Control

“Yes. I do expect Miss USA to be politically correct”.
Wow! That is one stunning admission. In other words, people are no longer allowed to give their honest opinions when asked for. Instead, they must spew politically correct bullshit so that the delicate sensibilities of people (read: agenda pushers) like Perez Hilton are not offended. Well, if that is the case, Perez Hilton can file himself under: Fascist, Fascist, Fascist!
Carrie Prejean was well within her rights to answer that question as she damn well pleased. Perez Hilton also was well within his rights to get on his blog and voice his displeasure with her answer (good taste aside). However, for Perez Hilton to suggest that Carrie Prejean (or any of us for that matter) must parrot some politically correct answers in order to appease people following a certain agenda, is nothing more than thought control. When this type of behavior is promoted we need to call out such promoters for exactly what they are …FASCISTS!
So, Carrie Prejean, you go right ahead and speak your mind as you see fit!

Monday, April 20, 2009
Conservatives Need YouTube.

Barak Obama owes his victory to a press that refused to question his relationships, refused to investigate his ideology and refused to question his qualifications, all the while holding McCain and Palin to the most intense scrutiny ever. The media even went as far as to actually go on the attack against the republicans. The New York Times invented a story about John McCain having an affair with a female lobbyist and what they continue to do to Governor Palin is down right criminal!
The media’s new open hostility towards conservatives was on full display last week with the Tea Parties. Witness Anderson Cooper’s comment about “tea bagging” (he ought to know) and Rachel Maddow's repeated reference to the term. In addition to the ridicule, the JournoList meme of the day was that the Tea Parties were not a grassroots effort but rather an Astroturf campaign spearheaded by Fox News. But the clearest example of the media’s open hostility towards Tea Parties was CNN’s Susan Roesgen’s attack on a Tea Party protester in Chicago!
So what are conservatives to do now that the media has dropped its veneer of objectivity? During the 2008 VP debates, Governor Palin gave us the clue:
I like being able to answer these tough questions without the filter, even, of the mainstream media kind of telling viewers what they’ve just heard..
Speaking directly to the public without the media is the key for conservatives to get their messages across and to expose the media’s bias towards them. No better tool is suited to this task than YouTube.
Remember, Susan Roesgen’s attack above? Here is a YouTube video of what happened after CNN’s camera’s stopped rolling. See how the female protester tells exactly how Roesgen was deliberately slanting the report by ignoring anti Republican messages and zeroing in on people with anti Obama signs. This video is now out on YouTube and there isn’t a damn thing CNN can do about it. Their bias reporting is forever recorded for all the world to see.
Think about how much different Sarah Palin’s primetime interviews would have gone if the McCain campaign had its own camera rolling right along with ABC and CBS. Would Couric and Gibson have risked playing gotcha if they knew there was video that could have been splashed across the net with their bad moments on it? This should be standard operating procedure for any 2012 Republican candidate! (Are you listening Mr. Steele?)
YouTube not only helps to expose leftwing media bias and defend conservative candidates, it is also an excellent way for spreading the conservative message. YouTube videos by Thomas Paine, AlfonZo Rachel, Daniel Hannigan and this young soldier all went viral by delivering a clear, solid and forceful conservative message directly to the people. If the media tries to slant the news on a video, all it does is spark curiosity and makes people search the video, they are then exposed to the entire message and free to make up their own minds about it.
My advice to conservatives is get yourself a YouTube account today, learn how to use the service to rate, upload and share videos. Take courses in video production, animation and editing. Take video cameras with you to Tea Parties and rallies. Write to officials that have your support and tell them to embrace YouTube today. We need not be slandered by the left any longer we can follow YouTube's advice and broadcast ourselves!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Why is this clown in charge of our security?

On April 14, 2009, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) chief Janet Napolitano released what has to be taken as written proof of her complete incompetence. The Assesment, titled "Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment", had nothing to do with her job (keeping us safe) and everything to do with political hackery! Basically the "assessment" tries to define mainstream conservatives as rightwing extremists.
Check out this statement:
(U) Historical Presidential Election
Rightwing extremists are harnessing this historical election as a recruitment tool. Many rightwing extremists are antagonistic toward the new presidential administration and its perceived stance on a range of issues, including immigration and citizenship, the expansion of social programs to minorities, and restrictions on firearms ownership and use. Rightwing extremists are increasingly galvanized by these concerns and leverage them as drivers for recruitment. From the 2008 election time frame to the present, rightwing extremists have capitalized on related racial and political prejudices in expanded propaganda campaigns, thereby reaching out to wider audience of potential sympathizers.
So let me get this straight Janet: if one doesn't agree with the policies put forth by the Obama administration, and chooses to speak out with others who share such views, then one is labelled an extremist motivated by racism. Is that it Janet? Well then my dear, you are a first class clown!
The only reason for this joke of an assessment is politics. At the very least, the politics behind this assessment is to discredit conservatism in the eyes of the gullible and ill informed. At the very worst, it serves as a warning to
conservatives that flexing its grassroots muscle will cause scrutiny by the DHS!
The opening paragraph of the DHS's Strategic Plan, states:
This Department of Homeland Security’s overriding and urgent mission is to lead the unified national effort to secure the country and preserve our freedoms. While the Department was created to secure our country against those who seek to disrupt the American way of life, our charter also includes preparation for and response to all hazards and disasters. The citizens of the United States must have the utmost confidence that the Department can execute both of these missions.
Sorry, but with Janet at the helm, the last thing I have is confidence that she can execute any of these missions. Since being appointed, Ms. Napolitano has dropped the word "terrorism" and has replaced it with the utterly foolish phrase "Man-Caused Disaster"! You are not dealing with serious minds when you get a completely stupid term like this. Did anyone over at DHS bother to realize that the term "Man-Caused Disaster" could just as easily apply to something like the Exxon Valdez oil spill? Does Napolitano not realize that there is a huge difference between something like the Exxon Valdez and 9/11?
If shilling for progressives with bogus assessments and creating meaningless euphemisms for terrorism were all we had to worry about that would be bad enough. But Ms. Napolitano's record on security as Governor of Arizona should give us all pause. Here is what the Tucson Citizen had to say about her when Obama chose her for DHS:
President-elect Barack Obama's choice for homeland security chief blames budget problems and the difficulty coordinating agencies in Arizona, where she has been governor, for failing to complete key provisions of a detailed security plan for her own state.
Gov. Janet Napolitano put together the plan six years ago to improve Arizona's ability to respond to emergencies, detect and prevent terrorist attacks and secure Arizona's border with Mexico. But some key provisions remain incomplete. Firefighters, paramedics and other first responders at disaster scenes still can't always communicate by radio without calling in special equipment, and criminal records still aren't fully available electronically.
Perhaps if Napolitano could have gotten her act together on security in her state, Phoenix would have become the second kidnap capital of the world!
Yes folks, all that chilling violence you just saw happened under the watchful gaze of our new DHS head. Whatever, Ms. Napolitano's priorities were as Governor of Arizona, security wasn't one of them. Yet, she was nominated and even more shockingly, confirmed.
This is where Republicans need to take some blame. Republicans should have rejected her nomination and loudly voiced her short comings and poor qualifications. Democrats sink nominations all the time for far less reasons. Sadly, too many Republicans fear the wrath of negative media attention (which they will get anyway) and thus go along with very bad ideas for the sake of appearing bipartisan or supporting the president in his early days. This is why a Tax Cheat is now head of the IRS and a clown is now in charge of the Department of Homeland Security.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
NYC Tea Party.

Today I attended the NYC Tea Party at City Hall. There were easily several thousand people there (13,000). While I have witnessed countless protests, this was the first I ever participated in. Below are some quick notes and pictures from the experience :[sorry, they are not in any particular order].
I was not alone:
Come on, make some noise!
Class and Age:
Liberal photogs:
Things I did not get:
Thank goodness, no corny costumes!
From the masses comes the one:
So now what?
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
April 15, 2009: Get Your Tea On!

Before sealing those envelopes and mailing them out, take a long hard look at those forms. Do you see what you are forking over to Uncle Sam this year? Ask yourself, what could you do with a good portion of that money? Would you pay off a credit card or cut the balance in half? Would you add it to your bank account as a safety net as the job market continues to sour? Perhaps, there are some home repairs that you just have to put off until whenever. Maybe you could take that vacation you could not afford last summer. Whatever, your want or need would be, know this… it ain’t gonna happen!
Instead, that money is now destined to pay for the $20 billion we threw away on the auto industry that is now going to bankruptcy anyway. That money is now going to pay for the $100 billion AIG paid to foreign banks! That money is now going to pay for the $210 million in bonuses at Fannie and Freddie, despite the fact they are part of ground zero of our economy’s woes. Your dreams of a summer vacation is up in smokes because $1.7 million is urgently needed to find out why pigs stink in Iowa!
If you are offended by the waste of your hard earned money, be you Democrat, Republican or Independent, then do something about it! Attend a tea party today! Can’t make one because of work? Fine, rip the string and tag off a tea bag and include it with your tax return! Let Washington know that you, your children and your children’s children are not cash cows! You work hard for your dreams and your children’s futures. You do not drag yourself out of bed everyday to slave away paying for failed businesses, incompetent borrowers, lazy freeloaders or cornball pork projects!
Let Washington know in no uncertain terms STOP THE TAXING AND STOP THE SPENDING!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Hello, Barak Obama? Jerry Springer calling! [UPDATED]

Well, what a difference a week makes. On Sunday, news broke that yet another Obama family member has fallen out of his shady family tree. This one, Samson Obama, Half Brother #672, was denied entry into the UK in January, because […get ready for this] back in November, he gave a false name to the police after being arrested for attempting to sexually assault a group of young girls! Oh, and do you want to know where Half Brother #672 was going? Why to Half Brother #1’s Inauguration of course. Jerry Springer could not have asked for better material!
Actually, Jerry could do a week long special on the Obama clan. In addition to Half Brother #672 , there is Half Brother #425 (George Hussein Onyango Obama) who makes less in one year than the $13 a week “tax cuts” we’re suppose to be getting. ( I would give him my $13 a week, but as a self employed small business guy, all I am getting is some kind of bridge and road thingy). Plus, we should not forget Auntie Grifter (Zeituni Onyango), the illegal alien living off the public dole in Boston! Never mind the fact that there is a big old empty house in Chicago, were she could stay for free until we finally find a way to kick her out for good.
The question here is, would he have said sorry if his last name wasn't Obama and this story didn't make it into the newspapers? Let's not forget, the assault happened in November and he was denied entry in January. So Samson Obama, what took you so long?
Friday, April 10, 2009
Movin' On Up: ZoNation
Well, well, well, the brother is movin' on up! AlfonZo Rachel is now part of Pajamsmedia. For those of you who do not know AlfonZo Rachel, he is a black conservative that lit up YouTube with his very conservative rants. Liberals detested the brother obviously, but conservatives loved his no nonsense common sense. He is a straight talker, as the video above shows. You can read his history and catch his earlier clips at his website Macho Sauce Productions (yeah, he explains what is Macho Sauce).
While I do like his new setup with Pajamasmedia, I must admit I miss his old homemade efforts with the stark cinder block backgrounds and the incorrect white balance settings. Those things added a certain sense of "keeping it real". No matter, the brother still has a way with words.
Congressional Black Caucus: Useful Idiots
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Charles Lollor: Now here's a bother that I support!
This is Charles Lollar, chairman of the Charles County Republican Central Committee, speaking at Solomon's Island Tea Party in Maryland. Check it! Not a teleprompter in sight! Michael Steel could do with a sit down with Charles, maybe then he won't get all tripped up with questions about Rush Limbaugh.
Levi Johnston: Useful Idiot.

As young Levi, makes the tabloid TV circuit bashing the Palin family, seeking quick bucks and his 15 minutes of fame, he is completely blind to the fact that he is being used to further the left’s assault against Governor Palin. Goaded on by leftwing operatives and a sleazy family, Levi goes on to tell the world he wants to be a model. Too bad his goal is not something more lasting and noble like being a model dad to his son.
On the Tyra Banks show, poor Levi lamented that Bristol won’t let him take the baby anywhere (boo hoo) and that his relationship to the Palin family went south after the election. Could it be that the Palins realize that the Johnston family is no place for young children? (By the way, notice the timing of Mommy Johnston’s arrest? Perhaps this is why things have gone south between the Johnstons and the Palins after the election).
But Levi, ever the gentleman, went on to tell about staying in the Palin home with Bristol in such a way that the left now believes that Palin was condoning teen sex in her home. Nothing could be further from the truth. If anything the Palins were trying to break up Bristol and Levi very early on.
The March 30th People Magazine article on Gov. Palin contained this revealing paragraph:
Tom Whitstine Jr., a longtime co-worker of Todd's, believes the Palins have also opposed the Bristol-Levi romance, at least in the past. Last year her parents sent her to Anchorage to do her junior year of high school and live with Sarah's sister Heather Bruce. "Basically, they were trying to limit her contact with Levi, trying to be good parents," says Whitstine. "The method didn't work out. Now he's part of Tripp's family forever."
I don’t think the Johnston family TV circus is going to last much longer. On the CBS’s “The Early Show”, while Levi and his creepy sister Mercedes, were trying to defend themselves against the charge that they are not “White Trash“, Mercedes Johnston pretty much ended the Johnston’s family’s usefulness to the left by telling the world the Johnston’s agenda. Here is the money quote from Mercedes:
I mean, look what they're doing. They're lying, trying to save themselves when they're the ones that asked for it. They brought him to the campaign. They should have known what was coming. They can't turn around and try and take it back now.
What should the Palins have known, Mercedes? That there would be a Johnston family shakedown for dollars? That your family all are attention whores? That you all had a plot to capitalize on Levi and Bristol’s relationship from the get go? Whatever the answer is, that little quote will be used to dismiss almost anything the Johnston clan have said or will continue to say and that dear Johnstons make you useless to the left.
Clearly, Mr. Johnston doesn’t realize the long term damage he is doing with his relationship with his son. He is also blind to the fact that many Alaskans (and Lower 48ers) love the Governor and will treat him and his family like a pariahs. The Left will soon cut the Johnstons adrift and they will be left to deal with these lasting issues all by themselves.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Fantasy vs. Reality.

I have one thing to say to Obama about that statement, “actions speak louder than words“! If this is Obama’s dream, one would imagine that some serious diplomacy is going to be needed to influence those nations that are rapidly trying to get or spread nuclear technology.
To date, the Obama Administration has not shown a very strong hand with diplomacy. Just this week, North Korea tested a long range missile capable of carrying a nuclear payload and hitting Alaska or Hawaii. What was the Obama Administration’s response? Obama’s official statement was; "Rules must be binding. Violations must be punished. Words must mean something," and then he promptly ran to the UN, like the teacher's pet snitching on the bad kids. To make matters worse the very next day Secretary of Defense Robert Gates announces that we are cutting spending on missile defense.
The one big stick we could possibly use against North Korea’s ambitions for long range missiles, has now been broken in half by Obama’s insane military spending cuts. Beefed up missile defense for our western most states or our allies (South Korea and Japan) who could be threatened by North Korea, has now been scaled back by Secretary of Defense Robert Gates as per Obama’s requested cuts.
Some argue that North Korea using long range nuclear weapons against us is highly unlikely. While this argument has some merit, it doesn’t answer another likely scenario. The scenario of North Korea selling it long range missile technology to a nation that would use it against us. Iran immediately comes to mind. Iran which is run by Islamic extremist, are racing toward getting nuclear technology. Their tactic of buying time by entering and exiting diplomatic talks have proven very successful for them.
The real threat comes from the fact that Islamic extremists are not deterred by the notion of MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction). This is because for the Islamic extremist, the survival of Islam takes precedence over the survival of their nation. Therefore losing Tehran in a nuclear exchange is acceptable so long as it advanced the causes of Islam as they see it. So to deter a nation with this kind of belief, the passive role of having a large nuclear stockpile will not do. Instead a more proactive approach is required (I.e. missile defense, aggressive diplomacy and stopping their plans early). Currently the Obama Administration is doing none of these.
So while Obama claims not to be naïve and dreams that “yes we can have a nuclear free world”, reality is taking a very different and dangerous tract.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
The New Engines of Socialism?

Saturday, April 4, 2009
Great Orator my foot!