You just knew once Scott Brown rocked the Democrats’ world they would be seeking payback. Well it looks like the left is going to try give Scott Brown and his family the Palin Treatment.
Huffington Post has dug up this old music video featuring Scott Brown’s wife Gail Huff in a bikini!
This is pathetic. Keep in mind that this is coming from a party that went to the mat for an adulterer and constantly supports liars, tax cheats and incompetents in high positions.
I think the reason why the left is focusing in on things like this concerning the Browns and the Palins is because they hate the fact that both the Browns and the Palins are hot! The left is having a hard time dealing with the concept of young and attractive people on the right. To them we are all supposed to be fat, white, toothless dullards who eat babies and kill puppies. So when they encounter people like the Browns or the Palins, who are attractive, they try to turn their attractiveness into a bad thing.
Remember how these folks swooned over a shirtless Obama at the beach? They yapped endlessly about his physique and his youthfulness, blah, blah, blah. But Scott Brown’s 30-year-old nude pictures, Mrs. Brown in a bikini or Palin in running shorts is scandalous!
The left needs to get over it and just accept the fact that there are hotties on the right.
Via: Memeorandum
Via: Huffington Post
"The left needs to get over it and just accept the fact that there are hotties on the right."
May I add: Hotties on the right that don't need to be whores who flash their boobs and/or vaginas to make a name for themselves.
We do have some hotties, to be sure.
(grin...) Stupid song, stupider video, but the kid in the bikini doesn't make those decisions. She was a pretty kid on a day's video shoot, and nothing was particularly amiss in the content of the final product.
(It is an object lesson to kids, however: film is forever, think about how dumb this might appear in twenty years or so.)
So, why is Madonna considered high art, and this scandalous?
You and I are included, Cliff! :)Thankfully there aren't any semi-nude photo spreads of me floating around out there....
It is always curious how the Left is so terribly interested in the sexuality of conservative stars, and so disinterested in the public sexuality of Democrats (like Clinton). They have no arguments, so they rely on outright lies (see Keith Olbermann's string of libels against Scott Brown) and old videos or photos of conservatives in bathing suits (like Sarah Palin in a long-ago beauty contest).
They are pathetic, for sure. Yes, it is an established fact that conservative women are a whole lot better looking than liberal ones.
This whole business is screamingly funny. Left Coast Rebel, there should be more pictures of conservative hotties in swim gear. I wouldn't mind seeing them at all. Recent or otherwise, how about it, Clifton?
Ha ha, Cliff, you are so right! (no pun intended ;) ) I think the best thing Conservatives can do is keep taking the high road and not stoop to the petty name-calling level. Eventually people will see the light... not all the people, but some...
You said it, Cliff. Spot-on post!
I'm hot as well but I don't fly in the face of public opinion.
Seriously, though, it's the kind of duplicitous, childish mud-slinging we have come to expect from the Democrats.
The left hate hot heterosexual women. The libs are an ugly group that never smile unless they are hurting a conservative or defending a child molester. If I had more time I would really tell you how I
Bill Clinton got blowjobs during working hours in the Oval Office, Barney Frank's boyfriend ran a protitution ring out of his government subsidized apartment just a little while back, John Edwards has kept the tabloids busy for two years now with his salacious escapades and I'm supposed to be upset that Scott Brown bared his chest to pay his way through college 25 years ago???
Oh so very true, I don't think I have ever seen Michelle Malkin in a bikini and she is hot.
Old South:
To answer you question, simple to the left because conservatives and Republicans speak about morals, we are suppose to all be nuns and priests. Any deviation from those roles and the left think we are being hypocritical. They don't do the nuance thing where conservatives are concerned.
I wasn't going to toot my horn, but I am pretty easy on the eyes. The only pictures of me from back in the day that are embarrassing are me with a fro!
"Yes, it is an established fact that conservative women are a whole lot better looking than liberal ones."
In the political realm when it comes to pretty women on the left, the bench is pretty thin and why do so many of them get that stupid "boy" haircut?
I already have my suntan, so there are no swimsuit pics of me. However, there is that picture of The Other McCain:
You are right, when the left goes bonkers over stuff like this, we should simply flash them a little more and move on.
Part of the problem with the left is they want all good things associated with them. They don't want to believe things like beauty are universal.
I am not too sure where you stand on this issue, LOL
Miss Tammy:
I know it is rather trivial when you look at the real scandalous stuff.
Well, I *do* happen to be fat, white, and toothless but hardly the dullard they have deluded themselves into thinking I am. I don't believe I've ever killed a puppy (I cried once, when I killed a mouse that scared the shit out of me), and the only babies I like to eat are baby dill pickles.
It's stealth tactics, ya know. Make them THINK I am that which they have pigeonholed me as, sneak up behind them later and kick them square in the arse.
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