Via The Star Telegram:
AUSTIN — Gov. Rick Perry, raising the specter of a showdown with the Obama administration, suggested Thursday that he would consider invoking states’ rights protections under the 10th Amendment to resist the president’s healthcare plan, which he said would be "disastrous" for Texas.
To say I like the way Rick Perry stands firm on his state’s 10th Amendment rights would be an understatement. When you think about how Washington is hell-bent on bankrupting the nation, why should states sleep walk right into disaster?
Texas is in far better financial shape than Washington to begin with, clearly Texas’ policies are working and Washington’s is not, so why accept a massive program that will hurt the state’s economy?
If there is one thing the current Congress and Obama have succeeded at, it seems to be the awakening of “We The People”. Certainly among the conservative grassroots, activism is in full bloom. Tea Parties are springing up everywhere, Congressmen getting laughed at over their foolishness and even MoveOn getting rolled at a rally. Just today I read where some New Yorkers are looking into abolishing its state Constitution and installing a new one!
The American people instinctively know that now is not the time for expensive job killing boondoggles like Obamacare and Cap and Tax. America took a bath over the faux stimulus and is not likely going to sit by and get snookered again. Over the next 3 and a half years, I hope this grassroots push back on Washington grows so that common sense can make a come back.
And if that doesn't work, we can all move to Texas.
I am all for that!
"If there is one thing the current Congress and Obama have succeeded at, it seems to be the awakening of “We The People”."
That unintended consequences thing they seem so oblivious to coming to bite them in the hiney?
Angie Lee:
That unintended consequences thing they seem so oblivious to coming to bite them in the hiney?
From your lips to God's ear!
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