Dear Shay at Booker Rising;
I really do appreciate you linking my posts at Booker Rising. A black center-right aggregate news site is the stuff black conservatives have always dreamed of! Plus Linky Love is always good thing (see Rule #2). However, could you please stop calling me a black conservative REPUBLICAN? Whenever you link one of my posts, I always see the description: “Clifton B., a black conservative Republican blogger writes…” , I just cringe. I am a black conservative, but the mixed and muddled messages the Republican Party have been puting out lately hardly matches my steadfast conservative principles.
There was a time when the words “Republican” and “Conservative” were interchangeable, but not any more. When I see 8 Republicans voting for Cap and Trade legislation, which spells bigger government, higher taxes and less freedom for all, I have to stand apart from that party. When I see the National Republican Senatorial Committee forgo a young strong Hispanic conservative like Marco Rubio in favor of an old RINO like Charlie Crist, I have to stand apart from that party. When I read Chairman Steel’s fund raising letter saying he is looking for new conservative voices to stand against Obama’s liberal agenda, yet allows so many party members to abandon a strong conservative like Sarah Palin, I have to stand apart from that party.
Do I vote Republican? More often than not, I sure do. However, I would easily vote for any candidate, from any party that supported the conservative principles of smaller government, lower taxes, less spending and more freedom. Whatever candidate believes and lives these principles has my vote, party be damned.
So if you could please just start saying: "Clifton B, another black conservative says…".
I really do appreciate you linking my posts at Booker Rising. A black center-right aggregate news site is the stuff black conservatives have always dreamed of! Plus Linky Love is always good thing (see Rule #2). However, could you please stop calling me a black conservative REPUBLICAN? Whenever you link one of my posts, I always see the description: “Clifton B., a black conservative Republican blogger writes…” , I just cringe. I am a black conservative, but the mixed and muddled messages the Republican Party have been puting out lately hardly matches my steadfast conservative principles.
There was a time when the words “Republican” and “Conservative” were interchangeable, but not any more. When I see 8 Republicans voting for Cap and Trade legislation, which spells bigger government, higher taxes and less freedom for all, I have to stand apart from that party. When I see the National Republican Senatorial Committee forgo a young strong Hispanic conservative like Marco Rubio in favor of an old RINO like Charlie Crist, I have to stand apart from that party. When I read Chairman Steel’s fund raising letter saying he is looking for new conservative voices to stand against Obama’s liberal agenda, yet allows so many party members to abandon a strong conservative like Sarah Palin, I have to stand apart from that party.
Do I vote Republican? More often than not, I sure do. However, I would easily vote for any candidate, from any party that supported the conservative principles of smaller government, lower taxes, less spending and more freedom. Whatever candidate believes and lives these principles has my vote, party be damned.
So if you could please just start saying: "Clifton B, another black conservative says…".
Clifton B.
Another Black Conservative
Gotcha Clifton. The GOP identifier will be nixed.
Amen to that. I heard a pollster interviewed this week who stated that the USA has more Conservatives than Republicans.
That fact gives me hope we can move past having to drag those Republicans to sanity.
I love the blog.
Try having Arlen Specter for a Senator. I dropped the Republican label after the amnesty bill debacle. Great article!
Shay Riley:
Much thanks Shay.
Nickie Goomba:
Yes there are more conservatives than liberals in America. Quite frankly, I think Obama and the Dems are making more conservatives everyday with their outragous spending.
Glad you liked the blog.
No Child Left Behind pretty much had me looking for an exit, the Amnsty bill sent me out the door.
Ugh, you have Specter. Keep us posted, I hear he is going down in flames.
It IS a great article Clifton and an excellent point!
"...the mixed and muddled messages the Republican Party have been puting out lately hardly matches my steadfast conservative principles."
Very sad but also VERY TRUE.
The GOP seems to want to go full RINO no matter what the base says.
Did you see this by chance?
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