Over at The Hill, they are running a 50 Most Beautiful 2009 piece. Clearly the staff at The Hill must have cobbled this list together during some strange drinking game because they placed the very beautiful Jill Butler at #10!

Perhaps they ran out of Democrats, seeing that the top 10 consist of 8 Democrats, 1 Republican and 1 independent. Even then, Maxine Waters at #5???? We are clearly living in bizarre times, where you can spend your way out of bankruptcy and Maxine Waters is more beautiful than Jill Butler!
Kay Gerard, the only Republican in the top 10, she scored the #2 spot.
This shouldn't surprise anyone.
If the Dems are willing to tell you that spending TRILLION$ will save us money -i.e. Porkulus and Health Care- then stating that Maxine Waters is hot in any way is just a bit more of a stretch.
What makes Maxine unattractive isn't her physical appearance, it's what spews forth when she opens her mouth.
I sure wouldn't have put Maxine Waters on that list, but one does have to concede that she looks younger than her actual age, which is listed as 70.
I was going to say what El Cerdo said, that Maxine Walters looks very good for someone who is 70! However, Jill Butler is truly beautiful and you got that right!
I'd wonder if they had some pretty powerful beer goggles, but that doesn't explain how Maxine placed above Jill Butler.
Reagan Repub:
I know what you mean. These last 6 months have been breathtaking in the sheer scope of BS being fed to the people. I honestly wonder how they can say any of it with a straight face.
Ding, ding, ding, give the man a silver dollar! You nailed that one.
Yes she does look good for 70, but #5 good, methinks not.
I was floored to see her at #5, #50 or #45 maybe but #5? Oh please!
Angie Lee:
Opaque beer goggles might be the reason.
Tell us how you really feel, LOL. Actually if you look at the list, there are some pretty hot lefties there. The left's problem is that all the high profile ones are, well, kinda, you know...
Clifton, that's true. But beauty comes from within and Maxine Water, who can turn Madusa to stone with both her looks and venomous heart, is a true beauty to leftist hence why she made the list.
Maxine is merely a bit poor looking in this photo. 99 other photos show that this one was retouched by Glamor Shots. This woman is ugly through and through, both physically and morally. This was as close as it is possible to make a photo of her look good, and it's still a fail.
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