Thursday, January 28, 2010

Justice Alito politely pulls a Joe Wilson

I certainly cannot blame Justice Alito for mouthing “not true”. Obama had pretty much spend the entire time, misrepresenting so many facts during the State of the Union address. Given that Alito mouthed his words about a subject that the left went apocalyptic over, I would not be surprised if he gets tagged with the same racist label Joe Wilson did. 

It will be interesting to see how this will develop over the next few days. For a hint, we could look at Democratic House Rep. Anthony Weiner’s reaction to Alito’s silent outburst
"He [Alito] deserved to be criticized, if he didn't like it he can mouth whatever they want," Weiner said. "These Supreme Court justices sometimes forget that we live in the real world. They got a real world reminder tonight, if you make a boneheaded decision, someone's going to call you out on it."


Just a conservative girl said...

Yes, we live in the real world, but something is constitutional or it is not. The left always seems to forget that.

El Cerdo Ignatius said...

They got a real world reminder tonight, if you make a boneheaded decision, someone's going to call you out on it.

Conversely, if you live in the real world among boneheads and do something to upset their apple cart, their going to whine about it. It's a shame the Republicans didn't boo or groan when Obama said these words, but then again, most of them probably thought McCain-Feingold was a fine set of rules.

Janelle said...

What is the fixation with the democrats latest political speak "call you out"? As for Anthony Weiner, you are as annoying as that Oscar Meyer jingle.

Chris said...

I can't believe that Obama used his bully pulpit that way. He has no shame and will use his power to bully the oposistion. No wonder why he is the most polorizing President in history.

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