*SIGH* I miss Condoleezza Rice! Such maturity, such authority and boy what an intellect! This puerile college student ties to play gotcha with Condi and ends up getting schooled instead! "Do your homework first", she tells him! How perfect is that? It is like a double put down, telling him he isn't nearly as bright as he thinks and also conveys that she's the teacher and he's the student! Simply, beautiful! Judging from the sideways portion at the end of the video, methinks they were trying to make an ambush video of their confrontation with Condi. That certainly backfired!
One of the things I most like about Condi, is that she is an adult. She would never have gotten caught with egg on her face and a crap eating grin, all because she tried to be theatrical by giving a misspelled gag gift to a foreign counterpart! Hillary, take note of your superior!
Obama could never match Condi's level of gravitas, with or without the damn teleprompter. Sadly, black conservatives, no matter how superior they are to their black liberal counterparts, are never given the respect they deserve. Condi's educational background and intellect compared to Obama's is like comparing the Manhattan Yellow Pages to a pamphlet! Yet, Obama is touted as the intellectual giant of our time. So sad!
I remember early in the '08 campaign season when little whispers were swirling around the web, that Condi Rice might run for president! I cannot tell you how anxious I was at the prospect. I would have crawled over broken glass to get this woman elected. I would have beamed with pride that the first black to occupy the White House was there because they had the chops, not because they sailed in with a paper thin resume, a smoke and mirrors media blitz or a heavy dose of white liberal guilt!
If only we had adults like Condi in charge now. As we face a weakening economy, foreign affairs nightmares and new pandemics, it would be so comforting to know that these issues were be handled by an adult, rather than someone looking to capitalize on each "crisis".
I miss you Dr. Condoleezza Rice, good luck in your future endeavors and God bless.

"If only we had adults like Condi in charge now"
Well said...
I told all I knew last spring that either Sarah or Condi were my choices for the VP nod...
Looks like she "waterboarded" those liberal students who insisted on calling torture on everything. Way to go Ms. Rice (the first Ms. Rice) not that numbskull that Obama appointed to the UN.
GMTA, I did the same.
Ron B:
She certainly did. I like the way she did not take an exit when someone out of frame said, time to go. Instead, she stood her ground and finished off the twerp.
I know what you mean. Everyone in the Obama adminstration seems to have this whole political thing going on in everything they do. You do not get the impression that they are simply serving the needs of the people.
She was excellent! Yes, when elections rolled around I did find myself saying "I wish Condi was running!"
She handled herself perfectly in the video. I really liked her "Do your homework..." comment! RIGHT ON!
Then she schooled him further by giving him the answer.
Yes, I miss her too.
I too loved the way she gave him the answer too. It reminded me of when you squish a bug, and then you go back and squish it again to make good as sure you killed it!
I loved this video too! The poor child needed to be schooled...these liberal students think they've got a monopoly on intelligence and morals...Condi whipped the little whipper snapper into shape...The little boy look on his face by the time she was done with him was priceless! Guess he's never had an adult conversation before!
one of Bush's best appointments in my mind.
Considering that her resume is thicker than the stack of Playboys the punk college kid has under his mattress..
I love watching a smack down like that..
Yeah, he has that open mouth bewildered look. Perhaps now he will learn to question his professors rather than just accept their dogma.
The Griper:
You can say that again!
Dave C:
"Considering that her resume is thicker than the stack of Playboys the punk college kid has under his mattress.. "
I WOULD VOTE FOR THIS WOMAN IN A HEARTBEAT! Is there any serious discussion of this? I second the "God Bless You and your endeavors". We miss her grace, smarts, political steel, and stewardship. Excellent blog entry.
Sadly, there is no talk of a Condi 2012. It seems she may not be interested in running. Her big dream was to become head of the NFL, yep the NFL. Go figure!
I think we all do at this point!
I loved Sarah, but honestly, I'd have LOVED to have seen and would still love to see Secretary Rice run!
I agree with your view of Condi Rice.
She's the essence of class,brilliance and style.
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