We will take it from the internet right to [Althouse's address removed]. Do you have any idea where you live? Let us spell it out for you.We understand that you like to eat on the square. You like the Baked Potato at the Old Fashioned, do you? There were five of us in there last Tuesday. You like to eat at Fresco? We’re in the Overture eating, serving, cooking, playing, and performing. At least twenty of us have worked for Food Fight. You like to fucking drink at FAIR TRADE do you? At FAIR TRADE? You are citizen-BANNED from Fair Trade. We will Walker you straight out of the place whenever you show up. We are at every coffee shop on State,open to close, all the time. We will hang up wanted posters of you everywhere you like to go. We will picket on public property as close to your house as we can every day.We will harrass(sic) the ever loving shit out of you all the time. Campus is OCCUPIED. State street is OCCUPIED. The Square is OCCUPIED. Vilas, Schenk’s Corners, Atwood, Willy Street – Occupied, Occupied, Occupied, Occupied. Did you really think it was all about the Capitol? Fuck the Capitol, we are the CITY.I don't call this four page screed a threat, I call this is terrorism. By publishing her address and detailing her activities, this nut case isn't trying to warn Althouse, he is trying to terrorizer her.
The Underground Conservative has identified the author as Jim Shankman. The Other McCain has more info on Shankman.
As I have said a few times in the comments section, when the left ask for civility, just give them the finger and go on about your business.
Via: Memeorandum
Via: Ann Althouse
Via: The Underground Conservative
Via: The Other McCain
Hopefully she has filed a complaint with the police and sought a restraining order against the creep.
You know what I would say if I was her. I would say my door will be unlocked, and I will be sitting their with my glock. Come and get me.
Oh my, the unions just keep on doing the most despicable acts to illustrate their value..........you have to appreciate the level of incompetence. Could they be any more useless?
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