Saturday, July 10, 2010

One Nation: The left tries to mimic the Tea Party again

First there was the Coffee Party which was suppose to be this great grassroots movement based on coffee, civility and the end to gridlock, that was suppose to act as a counterweight to the Tea Party movement. You haven’t heard a peep from that bunch of astrotrufers after the glowing and fawning media reports ended.

Now the left is trying again to counter the Tea Party movement by bringing all their radical cabals together under the title of One Nation. 
Washington Post: In an effort to replicate the tea party's success, 170 liberal and civil rights groups are forming a coalition that they hope will match the movement's political energy and influence. They promise to "counter the tea party narrative" and help the progressive movement find its voice again after 18 months of floundering.
The large-scale attempt at liberal unity, dubbed "One Nation," will try to revive themes that energized the progressive grassroots two years ago. In a repurposing of Barack Obama's old campaign slogan, organizers are demanding "all the change" they voted for -- a poke at the White House.[…]
The groups involved represent the core of the first-time voters who backed President Obama -- including the National Council of La Raza, NAACP, AFL-CIO, SEIU and the United States Student Association. (The effort is separate from the Democratic Party'splan to spend $50 million trying to reach those same voters.) 
I don’t know about you, but I smell another epic fail in the making. The problem for the left is that there is no over arching theme to tie all their victim groups together. The Tea Party has an over arching theme of opposing Washington Gone Wild, but what does the left have?

To complicate matter for the left, they had the power for two years to execute the kind of Hope and Change they wanted.  In their attempt to do so, the opposition to their plans is what helps fuels the Tea Party to this day. So the harder they try with One Nation, the more passionate the Tea Party will become.

I suspect that One Nation will follow in the footsteps of the Coffee Party. The media will dole out tremendous fanfare and praise only to see One National fail to live up to the hype (much like the current White House occupant).


Anonymous said...

You state they can't find a theme to based their foundation, basically. Since liberals don't believe in anything, except statism, they'll fail in their movements now because they have nothing to believe in. The only thing they do is the one thing that's go the tea party unified, so it makes it impossible for liberals to counter.

Anonymous said...

You state they can't find a theme to based their foundation, basically. Since liberals don't believe in anything, except statism, they'll fail in their movements now because they have nothing to believe in. The only thing they do is the one thing that's go the tea party unified, so it makes it impossible for liberals to counter.

Anonymous said...


Is that it?

Anonymous said...

"The problem for the left is that there is no over arching theme to tie all their victim groups together. "

I think the real problem with Coffee party or any other leftist "movement" is the fact that they can't get more idiotic and liberal then the current Democratic Party, and anything left of the DP is basically an outed socialist and communist.

What's the Coffee Party or One Nation gonna talk about? Gov't taking over healthcare, retirement, unemployment, employment, abortion, water, air, and gas? The gov't already took these things over [and a whole lot more].

There's no new audience they can draw to; Dem Party already took them all.

2nd Anonymous

Anonymous said...

One Nation,huh? Funny name for a group of people who do nothing but divide.

Gorges Smythe said...

It's hard for any cause to keep momentum going, especially if you DON'T have the moral high ground. It's almost as hard, even if you do, since most people have the attention span and dedication of pre-schoolers.

Dave said...

Why do we silly Proles fight so hard against the Utopian future our benevolent masters are trying so hard to realize? Once again we are FORCING them to devote valuable time to bread and circuses in order to placate our fevered minds. God, it's just so HARD being a elite! We should leave them alone, they have only our best interests selflessly at heart.

Hannah said...

It's hard to call yourself a victim when you're surrounded by other people who feel equally victimized. It sort of takes the wind out of your self-pity sails. That's why there's nothing tying them together. If they did, no one would feel quite so special in their oppression.

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