Freezing all personal records is generally done for protection. So what is he protecting? Home country, dual citizenship, mediocre grades, misrepresentation of positions, honors, titles or whereabouts? For Obama to be silent on any subject is so out of character, there has to be a real mess in that Pandora's box.
I am not birther, but I do believe there is a story here. We just do not know what it is. The President was a young radical type. Perhaps he did something cute, as a lot of us did in our youth, and now wishes to avoid any conflict. We do know he traveled to Pakistan at a time US Citizens were not allowed access. Was an exception made for him? What gets me is, if there is nothing to hide, why not release the records and make the story go away. When McCain's citizenship was questioned he released all records. When his health was questioned, he released volumes. The President could do the same. Maybe this just the young radical in him. There is nothing to hide, but you can't make me, type of thing. Again, I am not a birther, but I do believe he should release the records and let this go away. Happy Easter All :-)
There's no story here. All the phrase means is the land of his ancestors.
I'm born and raised in the US, as was my father and his father. But my paternal great-grandfather is from Scotland, and I could call Scotland my home country, just based on lineage. Similarly, I could call Ireland and Germany my home countries based on lineage.
It's no secret Obama's father is from Kenya. And it really isn't much of a stretch for Obama to refer to Kenya as his home country.
While I don't think that his hidden records are hiding a strange birth place, I do believe if we were to see them, we would surely know he is a socialist.
It means nothing- it is meant to put the question back into the spotlight. The TPM is really doing a number on them since they can not discredit it. They will throw whatever they have out there for the media to take a cue and attempt to once again slander the TPM as crazy birthers. They recently tried racism (a once reliable weapon) and it backfired. They need a distraction right away and this is their kitchen sink.
Clifton, I honestly don't blame him for milking it. If my political opponents were doing something stupid, I'd not only enjoy watching it, I'd try to throw a little fuel on the fire.
However, I don't think it's fair that conservatives get tarred with the Birther brush far more than liberals do with the 9/11 Truther brush.
I hate to give Obama good advice, but at some point, if he keeps milking the birther issue, it will become a liability. When serious and intelligent commentators like Krauthammer begin to talk about your un-American tendencies, you've got a real problem.
Clifton, do you not remember the brouhaha over Mccain's birth certificate by the left? I know I'm old, but that was a major dust up. I don't give a damn what his motives are and you shouldn't either. What is he hiding?
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I am a black conservative from a black conservative family. I was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York and finally settled in New Jersey. Throughout my life I knew I did not share many of the common beliefs of other American blacks.
For starters, I never took to the term African-American. I have meet too many real Africans who are now Americans, to ever with a straight face say we share something in common other than skin tones. Their history and culture is truly a unique and is a completely different experience from my own. My culture is distinctly American, from the way I speak, think, dress and act and you know what else? I love it! So for me, I will always be an American who just happens to be black.
I put myself and my beliefs out here in cyberspace, to show my fellow blacks that there is something more. That one need not accept the false promise of the next social program, the belief in government as savior or the next Democratic candidate will right all wrongs. That true Hope and Change comes from belief in yourself, in a nation that allows dynamic movement if you are bold enough, smart enough and brave enough to make it happen.
Michelle Obama is a birther!!
Freezing all personal records is generally done for protection. So what is he protecting?
Home country, dual citizenship, mediocre grades, misrepresentation of positions, honors, titles or whereabouts? For Obama to be silent on any subject is so out of character, there has to be a real mess in that Pandora's box.
Interesting choice of words. I think she will come to wish she hadn't said them.
I am not birther, but I do believe there is a story here. We just do not know what it is.
The President was a young radical type. Perhaps he did something cute, as a lot of us did in our youth, and now wishes to avoid any conflict. We do know he traveled to Pakistan at a time US Citizens were not allowed access. Was an exception made for him?
What gets me is, if there is nothing to hide, why not release the records and make the story go away.
When McCain's citizenship was questioned he released all records. When his health was questioned, he released volumes.
The President could do the same.
Maybe this just the young radical in him. There is nothing to hide, but you can't make me, type of thing.
Again, I am not a birther, but I do believe he should release the records and let this go away.
Happy Easter All :-)
There's no story here. All the phrase means is the land of his ancestors.
I'm born and raised in the US, as was my father and his father. But my paternal great-grandfather is from Scotland, and I could call Scotland my home country, just based on lineage. Similarly, I could call Ireland and Germany my home countries based on lineage.
It's no secret Obama's father is from Kenya. And it really isn't much of a stretch for Obama to refer to Kenya as his home country.
American Girl In Italy:
It sure seems like it.
While I don't think that his hidden records are hiding a strange birth place, I do believe if we were to see them, we would surely know he is a socialist.
Sometimes I get the feeling the Obama's are toying with that whole birther thing. I think they do it to discredit the opposition.
If he really was born in Kenya, Biden would have long ago spilled the beans. That man wants to sit in the big chair really bad.
Knowing how the Obama's love to play with misinformation, she probably threw that out there on purpose.
It means nothing- it is meant to put the question back into the spotlight. The TPM is really doing a number on them since they can not discredit it. They will throw whatever they have out there for the media to take a cue and attempt to once again slander the TPM as crazy birthers. They recently tried racism (a once reliable weapon) and it backfired. They need a distraction right away and this is their kitchen sink.
As I said before, I think they keep everything hush, hush on purpose. They use the questioning as a way to discredit their opposition.
I realize that too. However, Obama has really milked the whole birther thing. He uses it to discredit his opposition.
Clifton, I honestly don't blame him for milking it. If my political opponents were doing something stupid, I'd not only enjoy watching it, I'd try to throw a little fuel on the fire.
However, I don't think it's fair that conservatives get tarred with the Birther brush far more than liberals do with the 9/11 Truther brush.
I'm not a birther either, but this certainly contributes to the "Obama is the first post-American president" meme.
I hate to give Obama good advice, but at some point, if he keeps milking the birther issue, it will become a liability. When serious and intelligent commentators like Krauthammer begin to talk about your un-American tendencies, you've got a real problem.
Clifton, do you not remember the brouhaha over Mccain's birth certificate by the left? I know I'm old, but that was a major dust up. I don't give a damn what his motives are and you shouldn't either. What is he hiding?
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