Friday, March 19, 2010

Video: Nancy prays to St. Joseph for ObamaCare to pass

As my grandmother always said: "The wishes of the wicked shall never prevail".

Via: Real Clear Politics
Via: The Drudge Report


Angie Lee said...

Oh, how the evil part of me would laugh if she were struck by lightning bolts from above for each and every lie escaping her lips.

Liz said...

Yeah, pray to the devil.

Osumashi Kinyobe said...

Oh no!
That feigning piety is NOT going to work. God sees what she is doing!
What a liar!

Just a conservative girl said...

I posted some pics of today's rally. I can't believe I made it through the entire thing, but I did.

They didn't come out great because of the lighting, but feel to use them if you want.

Bastiat Fan said...

I don't believe St. Joseph will be interested in what Nancy has to say. He was, after all, St. Joseph THE WORKER. He didn't ask for handout. He worked and supported his family.

The Conservative Lady said...

I hope your Grandmother is right.

Anonymous said...

As an Italian-American Catholic, I pray to St. Joseph too. Ms. Pelosi erroneously forgets that St. Joseph is ALSO the patron saint of the FAMILY and I don't think he would pray to the Lord for the passing of a bill that will contribute to the funding of abortion and/or euthanasia (after all, those killed are members of a family!). Nancy Pelosi is a disgrace to Italian-Americans and to the Catholic Church of which she does not follow doctrine to protect human life!

Anonymous said...

Hi again, I posted the above 'anonymous' named post and did some searching for you regarding Nasty Pelosi's comments. This is from a Catholic priest on his will find his comments as a Catholic most interesting in how Pelosi's comments are so disgusting regarding St. Joseph and the Catholic Church that she falsely represented:

I hope that you reach a greater understanding of the Catholic Church's position on prayers to the Saints are for THEM to pray WITH us to the Lord, and not DIRECTLY to them for something to happen. Pelosi's above us all morality is disgusting!

Keep up the great work on your awesome blog!

Steverino said...

Yes, Pelosi is such a good Catholic when it comes to abortion.

I loathe people who pull out their religion for political gain. I cringed when Clinton was in office, and any time he was taking political heat, he made sure a camera crew caught him going to church displaying his Bible.

Clifton B said...

Anglie Lee:

If that were the case, Nancy would be fried to a crisp in .05 seconds flat!

Clifton B said...


Beelzebub is the only one who hears her prayers.

Clifton B said...


Nancy has no shame, not a single drop of it!

Clifton B said...

Just A Conservative Girl:

Wonderful post! I love the part where you catch WaPo fibbing about attendance!

A must read everyone

Clifton B said...


I will say a little prayer to grandmother tonight to put in a word with the Big Guy for us all.

Clifton B said...

Bastiat Fan:

I don't think St. Joseph will listen to her either, Lord knows we can hardly stand her.

Clifton B said...


I am a Catholic too, and I cannot stand those sham Catholics who accept abortion and think they are acting in the image of our Lord. I remember when Nancy went to see His Holiness. If I were the Pope I would not have seen her. Instead, I would have sent out an alter boy to hand her a copy of the Catechism.

Clifton B said...


Thank you! That link was exactly what I needed to hear! I am so glad someone called Nancy out for using the church in her cloak and dagger deceptions!

Clifton B said...


Nancy is clearly worse than Clinton. Nancy uses the church to put a happy face on abortion. That is truly evil.

Roz said...

You're welcome! The web-site (and many others) are aligned right with you on pompous use of religion in politics....doesn't it say in the Bible not to tell people about your prayer life like the HYPOCRITS do, and to pray in private and KEEP it PRIVATE, because the Lord KNOWS our hearts. He can't be fooled by her! The vote is tied at this very moment and I'm glued to my computer screen over this monster bill's decision!

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