This weeks Rule #2 Full Metal Jacket Reach Around is dedicated to the 9-12 protest in DC. Yesterday we honored our fallen loved ones and heroes, today we must all become heroes for our beloved America. You know it, you feel it and your sense that America is on the wrong track to a dangerous destination. So today is a day of action. If you could not attend the protest in DC, then do something to make your voice heard, At the end of this post, I offer a list of 10 things to do if you could not be in DC.
So without further ado, lets get on with the show.
Linky Love and no Linky Hate this week.
Without a doubt the biggest story was Van Jones is history! Everybody and their mother linked to that story, LOL. I was lucky enough to have been one of the earlier blogger to blog about it and it paid off. ABC blog had Doug Ross, Fausta’s Blog, Carol’s Closet, Stop the ACLU, Heliogenic Climate Change, Pirate’s Cove, Beltway Blips, Urban Undergrounds, Keith’s Sports Journal, The Token Catholic and My Thoughts Exactly all linking to Van Jones is history. Told you that was a big one!
If bad news about Obama and his crew is big news, then anything Sarah Palin is sure to be big news too. Notes on Sarah Palin’s response to Obama was linked to by The Daily Jabber, Right Pundits and Pesky Emotional Republican. Palin steps on Obama;s message to Congress was picked up by The Blog Prof, The Daily Jabber and Texas for Sarah Palin.
Booker Rising, did not just bring Linky Love this week, they brought candy, flowers and a movie as well! Booker linked to Joe Wilson: Much ado about nothing, Never Forget, ACORN Prostitution Investigation: the Washington DC edition, Notes on Obama’s speech to Congress, Arianna Huffington “thanks” Glenn Beck and Laura Bush misses the point.
A few odds and ends of Linky Love, we have Reaganite Republican linking to Democrats need a mirror and Never Forget. Mommy Life thanks ABC for my list of other black conservatives. Left Coast Rebel heeds my advice on comment moderation. The Western Experience links to 23 Democrats vote no on Obamacare. Finally we have the Conservative Congruence linking to Arianna Huffington “thanks” Glenn Beck and Camp of the Saints links to Notes on Obama’s speech to Congress.
Must Reads
I am keeping the Must Reads short today; because I would much rather have you getting your voice out than sitting at home reading. So here are two very good reads AFTER you have taken action today.
First is Mommy Life, she has a fantastic post on black conservatives. The Truth In Black and Right took the words right out of my mouth when he tells Obama to shut up!
New Blogs
This week I found two new blogs for you to check out AFTER you have taken action. Check out Natural Born Conservative and La Shawn Barber’s Corner.
10 Things To Do If You Could Not Go To DC.
Attend a local Tea Party. Search the net, there are tons of them going on locally. If you cannot find one in your immediate area, then be a Tea Party of One! Make a sign and go to your city all. What is that, you feel silly? Think about this, would you rather be embarrassed for a few hours or suffer a lifetime of socialism?
Write your Congress Critter. We all say we are going to do it, well today is the day you actually do it!
Buy a Don’t Tread On Me flag and hang it in the front of your house today!
Become a blogger. Three months ago, I sat home cursing the television set, today I have shared my rants and view with over 25, 000 people. You can do it too!
Write the editor of that biased local newspaper. Ask them why they are not covering important stories, omitting important details, blatantly taking sides. Let them know you count.
Call the networks. They are bound to be distorting the event in DC today. Call them and call them out! Tell them you find their coverage offensive.
Support Glenn Beck. Beck kicks some major booty this week, Van Jones, NEA and ACORN all got major blows this week. So if you want to see more, go to supportglennbeck.com and fight the Color of Change’s boycott.
Join a social network. The Internet is ablaze with social networks for patriots. From the 9-12 Project to Team Sarah there is a social network for you. You can even find groups on Facebook, MySpace and Twitter. Social networks are excellent places to stay informed, spread the word or just organized.
Send a copy of the Constitution to your political party. If you get any of those fund raising letters, mail back a copy of the Constitution. Tell them when you see them working for America again you will be happy to donate.
Write a letter of thanks to Congress Members who actually follow the Constitution and look out for America first. These people need our encouragement.
Thank you for deciding to become a blogger. Your blog is great- love to read your stuff! I have to agree with you- I do not blog- only read and comment, but it's much better than just swearing at the tv and feeling helpless. Keep up the great work and thanks for posting the 10 things list- it's so important for everyone to become involved.
DC was a good time today. I had a real feeling of pride that so many showed up from all over the country. I met people from 48 states.
It was a real treat for a DC burb conservative. We are way outnumbered usually.
Always a pleasure to have you stop by Norma. Feel free to pass along the 10 things, their not just for 9-12
You are so lucky. I tried and tried and tried to clear things around here so I could go. Right up to last night I was still scheming a way to go!
I am glad you were able to get out there and make some noise!
Just wanted to drop a note to say I ran across your blog and I LOVE it!! Thank you for posting your list of things we can do to make our opinions and voices heard. Keep up the good work!!!!
Susan in GA
Thanks and welcome to ABC. Please feel free to pass along the list, lets shake this place up!
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