Since the death of Census worker Bill Sparkman was reported last week, there seems to be no end to guessing what was the cause of his murder. Upon hearing the gruesome details about how his body was found with his ID taped to him and the words “Fed” scrawled across his chest, many on the left have instantly jumped to the conclusion that Sparkman’s death was the result of anti-government sentiment whipped up by the right.
The left blame two of their favorite targets, Glenn Beck and Michelle Bachmann. Beck gets blamed for his anti-Washington tone and Bachmann because she spoke out against the Census (the leave out that ACORN’s involvement had a lot to do with her reservations).
The right is obviously willing to entertain different ideas, taking into account the location of the murder. The area of Kentucky where the body was found is known for meth labs and marijuana fields. Dan Riehl from Riehl World View offers another perspective, suggesting that Sparkman may have been a child predator.
There really is no way of know for sure what the motive was behind Sparkman’s murder at this time. However, one blogger has decided not to sit at home and speculate. RS McCain from The Other McCain is actually on a road trip to Kentucky to get a first hand account. When it comes to getting the true details, nothing beats good old fashion shoe leather.
Via: SF Gate
H/T: Riehl World View
H/T: The Other McCain
Good that someone with some common sense will look into it. Is the man going a trained investigator?
As much as I enjoy Riehls blog, I wish he weren't so quick to start rumors.
Think of the man's family and friends!
I went to the link at
and that poster had a very interesting view. I now wonder why would moonshiners or meth druggist strip the census worker naked. I don't think meth lab folks did this. And this don't look like a politically motivated murder.
RS McCain was a reporter for the Washington Times. So you could say an actual old school journalist is looking into it.
It is a stunning speculation. However, Riehl does explain how he got to that conclusion.
There seems to be more afoot than what meets the eye. That is why to flatly say it is one thing or another at this point is just plain silly.
BTW, I was at your blog yesterday, I like the changes.
RSM is awesome, I'm going to write on this as well.....
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