Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Sarah Palin’s USA Today Op-Ed “Why I'm speaking at Tea Party convention”

Sarah Palin’s latest Op-Ed in USA Today addresses the reasons why she is attending the Tea Party convention in Nashville.  In the Op-Ed Palin explains why she is still attending the convention despite grumbling from some on the right and all the troublemakers on the left. Palin informs us that she will be attending two other Tea Parties this year, one in Searchlight, NV (the home of Harry Reid) and Boston.

Most importantly Palin explains the real importance of advancing the Tea Party movement: 
… Across the country, tea-partiers will be sharing our vision for America's future, a vision that promotes common sense solutions to out-of-control spending and an out-of-touch political establishment.
The process may not always be pretty or perfect, but the message is loud and clear: We want a government worthy of the fine Americans that it serves. And we're going to keep spreading that message one convention, one town hall, one speech and one election at a time. 
Click here for the full Op-Ed.


Foxmuldar Blog said...

There seems to be a bit of confusion going on about Palin's Nashville appearance. According to the Washington Post, Palins is being paid $100,000 for her appearance and speech.


However on the USA Opinion website, Sarah says "She will not benefit financially from speaking at this event."

I hope what Palin say is correct and not what is being reported by the Washington Post. The last thing the Tea Partys need is for Palin and other big name folks to be showing up and collecting big fees. $100,000 isn't chump change. Perhaps more information about this issue will be forthcoming shortly.

alwaysfiredup said...

It is my understanding that Palin is under contract to TPN through her representatives, the Washington Speaker's Bureau. She can't just donate her time without breaching the contract. So the bureau will get its finder's fee and the rest will probably be donated either to her PAC or to a TPN 527 (if they get their financial house in order).

Clifton B said...


Yes Palin is getting a speaking fee, but it is not going to her personally. I believe it is being paid to SarahPac or something like that. She has stated repeatedly that the money will be turned around to further the cause.

See video here:

Clifton B said...


Welcome to ABC. We seem to have heard the same thing. It is my understanding that she will not profit personally.

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