It is time for another Full Metal Jacket Reach around here at Another Black Conservative. Each week ABC pays devotion to RS McCain’s Rule #2 and spreads Linky Love across the blogosphere.
This week has been an extremely good week for ABC; I actually got linked by Michelle Malkin’s blog [please forgive me for a second while I do a small Snoopy Dance]. Plus blogger buddy Left Coast Rebel and I played a week long game of “who can get on Memeorandum first”! We totally nailed the Palin book cover story! Here is the list of all the all the Linky Love ABC received this week.
The Linky Love
The biggest story this week was A Military Coup Against Obama? Oh, Oh, Newsmax Goes There. Everyone seemed so interested in the topic. Special thanks to blog buddies Stogie at Saber Point and Left Coast Rebel for linking. In addition we have thanks to Booker Rising, The Radio Patriot and Keith’s Sports Journal for linking to ABC as well.
The second big post that got everyone’s attention was My Thoughts On Darrion Albert’s Death. Thanks for the Linky Love from The Other McCain, Honesty In Motion, Boom Boom Boom and Obi’s Sister.
Letterman Blackmailed: Karma for a Pervert brought linkage from Political Byline, Booker Rising and Left Coast Rebel.
Glenn Beck Strikes A Nerve At The White House, struck accord with The Wisdom of Soloman, Booker Rising and Keith’s Sports Journal.
Epic Fail: Chicago Loses Olympic Bid In First Round, was a winner with Carol’s Closet, Booker Rising and My Voice on The Wings of Change.
The announcement of Sarah Palin’s memoirs Going Rogue, brought Linky Love from The Daily Jabber, American Power and The Right Side of Life.
My Notes on Netanyahu’s UN Speech was still bringing in links from Honesty In Motion and Moonbat Patrol.
“Right”, said Fred, was linked to by Moonbat Patrol and Jumping In Pools. The very boring Tim Pawlenty actually generated some interest from Booker Rising and Left Coast Rebel. Finally, the question of why people defend Roman Polanski, drew the interest of Booker Rising and Camp of The Saints.
This week’s miscellaneous linkage brought a in several hat tips from Left Coast Rebel, The Other McCain, No Sheeples Here, Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion and The Libertarian Republican. Reaganite Republican linked to kids praising Obama, Moonbat Patrol linked again this time to Bobby Jindal going squishy. Coache P was interested in ACORN getting money from FEMA, Booker Rising was looking for info on the Bill Sparkman murder and Left Coast Rebel helped to spread the word about super mom Mary Baker.
No Must Reads This Week
Sorry guys, but my time was stretched real thin this week so I did not have time to do a decent Must Read. I will make a special version in the week or I will double up on the Must Reads next week.
New Blogs
I did have time to check out some new blogs, hope you find some new favorites.
That concludes this week FMJRA. Until next week, keep active, keep informed and think about adding Technorati to your blog, it makes FMJRA oh so much easier!
Hey CB --
Good stuff all week long.
Thanks for the LinkyLove/Reach Around.
-- Contento
Anytimem Dude!
Life happens. Time stretched real thin weeks happen. Worry not.
Plus, I know you're young and all, but... Please don't stretch yourself too thin, too many weeks in a row. Gotta' take good care of us, too, you know. Tooo busy = toooo tired = gets sick. Badddddddddddddddd...
'Auntie' sezzzzzzzzzzzz... :-)
thanks for the nod, clifton.
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