After last week's Liarfest by Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden's spilling the beans over the secret bunker, I was left with the realization that America has no credible successors should Obama be unable to complete his time in office. Really, both Biden and Pelosi have proven themselves to be completely unacceptable for the presidency. This got me thinking about the order of presidential succession. Here is what we currently have to work with after Obama.
1. Joe Biden, Vice President: This chronic sufferer of verbal diarrhea would immediately step into Obama's shoes. As we all know, Joe Biden's mouth is usually light years ahead of his brain. As such we have been treated to some shockingly stupid statements.
After being chosen by Obama as his running mate, Biden said this:
How right you are Joe! From his plagiarizing past to scaring people over Swine Flu to revealing the location of the secret bunker, Biden has proven time and time again that he lacks the smarts to be President.
Obama only chose him because, he felt he needed someone with strong foreign affair experience. Even on this count, Biden is a dim bulb. In 2001 shortly after the 9/11 attacks, Old Joe wanted to give Iran $200 million, gratis! I wonder how many centrifuges that would have bought? Should Biden become President, we all need to pray that he choose a Vice President who is far more capable than himself.

2. Nancy Pelosi Speaker of the House: After Nancy's disastrous week, the mask is off. We can now see her for what she truly is, a lying party hack! This is a woman who is willing to put her party and herself over national security. This is a woman who would rather us believe an entire agency of the government is lying, then to believe that she has been lying all along. With all the dangers facing our nation, it would be an absolute catastrophe to have such a devious liar running the show. I can think of two incidents where Pelosi went abroad and came back with a completely different story than what went down. Remember her meeting with the Pope this year? She made it sound like they had tea and crumpets, the Vatican said she got a lecture on supporting abortion! Also recall Pelosi's trip to Syria (why did we pay for that?). She came back saying how Syria was ready for peace! Meanwhile, Syria said no such thing of the kind! Lucky for us, the only way Nancy could become president would be for both Obama and Biden to be out of office roughly at the same time. Otherwise, Biden gets to pick a new VP (as per the 25th Amendment) and the process of succession starts all over again. Whew!
3. Robert Byrd President pro tempore of the Senate: The irony of this choice makes me laugh. Democrats love to scare black people into thinking that electing a Republican as president is like electing a Klansman. Meanwhile, that is exactly what they would get should DEMOCRAT Robert Byrd ever become president! At 92, and looking ever bit of it, Byrd would need a very young and health VP!
4. Hillary Rodham Clinton Secretary of State: I never thought I would say this, but out of all the Democrats listed so far, Hillary makes me cringe the least. Make no mistake, Hillary is an ideologue, however she is a self serving ideologue. Hillary is a poll watcher. If a wacko left wing policy was a stinker at the polls, there is very little chance Hillary would stick her neck out to support it. Look at Hillary's support of the Iraq war prior to the Dem primaries. It cost her dearly, but had Obama not emerged and she got the nomination, she would have been riding high in the general election because of it. If Hillary were president today, I doubt she would have signed that Stimulus package or voted for any of the TARP, it would have been far too risky for her legacy.
5. Timothy Geithner Secretary of Treasury: Mr. Tax cheat numero uno! I would not trust this man as far as I could throw him. When I listen to his nonsense on the economy, systemic risk, stress test and so forth, I have no idea whether he is saying this stuff out of his understanding of the whole economic process or is he just mouthing crap that was told to him by Rahm Emanuel? At any rate, Geithner does not inspire confidence in the least bit.
6. Robert Gates Secretary of Defense: Full disclosure time, I have actually met Robert Gates. I met him at a charity event in NYC. What I found impressive was that he accepted invitation to the event prior to becoming Bush's Secretary of Defense and kept the appointment anyway, even when everyone would have understood his dropping out. With that said, I am beginning to wonder about Gates. His easy acceptance of Obama's defense cuts, when the world is so dangerous and the Democrats are spending money on any and everything else. How come no major fight? How come Gates could not ask Obama, why is he giving billions to ACORN and but cutting billions from defense? Sounds like something a follower does not a leader.

7. Eric Holder Attorney General: Don't you feel safer already? This "BRAVE" man leading us poor cowards. I think the next time Eric Holder wants to call out cowards, he might want to try using a mirror. He did not have much courage to admit he doesn't know jack about torture. Methinks we have another party hack here who only knows how to singing the party line.
From here on out, the list of succession is still abysmal, with more party hacks and tax cheats. Queen of the Clowns, Janet Napolitano brings up the rear.
8. Ken Salazr Secretary of the Interior
9. Tom Vilsack Secretary of Agriculture
10. Gary Locke, Secretary of Commerce
12. Kathleen Sebelius Secretary of Health and Human Services - Tax Cheat #6. 13. Shaun Donovan Secretary of Housing of Urban Development
14. Ray LaHood Secretary of Transportation - Republican.
15. Steven Chiu Secretary of Energy
16. Arnie Duncan Secretary of Education - Obama's friend from Chicago.
17. Eric Shinseki Secretary of Veteran Affairs
18. Janet Napolitano Secretary of Homeland Security - Clown