Florida, please, please, please send Lt. Col. Allen West to Washington! We need representatives like him in Washington in the worse way. Come on Florida, America is counting on you.
Trump’s Common Sense is Forcing Liberals to Cave
The following article, Trump’s Common Sense is Forcing Liberals to Cave,
was first published on The Black Sphere.
The Left’s ideological fortress is crum...
1 day ago
You can count on this Floridian =)
Wow -- he's fantastic!
Love this guy!
This guy gets it- He said most things that I have thought about recently, all in a few minutes and in a small number of words.
His last few minutes were great!! He mentions the precise problem with the entitlements and how they hate the fact that those "people" would dare stand up to their masters when they've been "given" so much. Dammit this guy is dead on, and I hope he exposes more because as soon as the people realize the popular opinion is changing the entitlement class may begin to see that it is truly keeping them down the most if the society is not prosperous-
Col. West inspires me like no candidate for office has since Ronald Reagan. I'm hoping Congress is his stepping stone en route to the White House.
Thanks for doing the homework on this one, Clifton.
The check really will be in the mail tomorrow with a handwritten note. Simply stated "No candidate has ever received a donation from me that didn't ask for more money". That's impressive, so I am sending you more than I have ever given any candidate before. It speaks to your character and you will be a fine representative for Florida.
I agree, I love (is that too strong a word, I mean it in a totally manly type way :-) LTC West. I do not see this man stopping at Representative. Go West Go :-)
Just Me:
If you help get West in Congress, I'll share my vodka!
The man is amazing, after two terms in the House, I want him to run from Governor of FL and then straight to the White House.
So do I. We need to get him elected big time.
West is one of the few people who I know would go to Washington and would stay true. He would be working for US and not himself.
Can you just imagine how effective he would be with Bachmann and Ryan?
Jim McKee:
West inspires me too. He makes you want to get involved and make real change.
He is destine for greatness, count on it.
I think I will join you and send him some more. On election night I will jump for joy if he defeats his lefty opponent.
When it comes to LTC West, love isn't too strong a word. Men who are truly duty bound to serve the nation are few and far between.
THIS video will be spread - by ME. Of all the clips I've seen, THIS one does so much more than many others combined, for one reason:
Take a peek at the gal to Col. West's left.
There is a segment of the population that is too often ignored and, sadly, ends up leaning left through mis- and disinformation, the Deaf. Discrimination leads to the "victim" mentality and ultimately dependence on govt. handouts (sound familiar?), and the Dems are all too happy to keep the Deaf under that thumb of oppression.
I never see messages like this conveyed in a manner that SPEAK to the Deaf in a language they understand, American Sign Language. Rarely are they closed captioned, nor is CC the best medium of communication when the average Deaf-school graduate reads English at about a 4th grade level. English truly is their second language.
The right needs to embrace ASL and use it to their advantage, to effectively communicate to people who have as yet never really HEARD their message.
Hi Clifton,
I love Col. West! He is honorable, inspiring, and says exactly what needs to be said, what I've been longing to hear someone say. I am praying for his win, and like most, do not think for one minute that the House will be his pinnacle. I like your idea: House, FK gov, then the WH.
Linked to this today, thanks for sharing it!
Its really very fine and informative post. thanks for sharing with us....
If I lived in Florida this courageous man would get my vote hands down.
I wish he would run for POTUS, this is he kind of leadership we need running our country. Obama is the antithesis of Oblahma.
And no teleprompter! Wish he was running in my district -- I'd not only vote for him, I'd be out there on the stump with him!
First, LOVE YOUR BLOG! Well done...
If I may (with a link back to your blog, for all the other fine posts and pieces), I would like to share a link to a FB group I started for LTC ALLEN WEST, "ALLEN WEST FOR PRESIDENT".
It is the largest single-source site on the web for all the known, publicly available videos, quotes, speech notes of Col. WEST... IN HIS OWN WORDS, as well as news updates, photos and links and copies of the FOUNDING DOCUMENTS Col. WEST has proven over and over that he knows by heart ~ and lives in allegiance to.
Again, thank you for the courage and class of this blog, fellow AMERICAN.
CM Sackett
Seems this Guy can't get any notice outside conservative circles. Has anyone seen any major report about him in the leftist media? I haven't.
I have an article about this great American at my blog. It's stuff like the MSM ignoring people like this that got me started blogging.
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