When Governor Palin went back home to Alaska, she brought with her the vengefulness of the angry left. Not content with their victory, they set out to destroy her, to make sure such a resourceful and accomplished woman would never challenge their empty Hope and Change rhetoric again. They set about hitting Palin with one frivolous lawsuit after another in hopes of bankrupting her personally.
Palin has proven victorious against all 14 bogus ethics complains, but not without a price. Currently, Palin’s legal bills stand at $500,000. If you believe in true conservatives like Palin and want to strike a blow against the politics of personal destruction, please clink follow the instructions below and click on the image.
Democrat Disarray: How the Left’s Self-Inflicted Wounds Are Driving Voters
to Trump
[image: Democrats, Pelosi, TeamKJ, Kevin Jackson]
The following article, Democrat Disarray: How the Left’s Self-Inflicted
Wounds Are Driving Voters to Trum...
1 day ago
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