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Gasbag Al Gore has been making the rounds touting his latest book of lies and dismissing Climategate too. One of the lies Al is pushing is that the Climategate emails are all ten years old. Nope, some are only a few months old, but that doesn't stop old Al.
In the video below, Gore is interview on CNN and the guy actually catches Gore's lie and corrects him. Gore drops that topic like a hot potato and then goes on into full Chicken Little mode. For the life of me I cannot believe people buy into his BS.
Al Gore has invested everything in global warming - including his reputation. He'll deny Climategate until they pry a cold BBQ Polar Bear rib from between his chubby, greasy fingers.
He (or they?) don't need to deny or admit climate gate, the fraud moves on regardless. The hoaxers are at this moment celebrating in Denmark another ginoumous victory against the people of the planet. The money in on the way to the BANKS!
I think we are looking at a very long fight on this. There are simply too many vested interests in AGW for them to go down without a fight to the very bitter end. Gore is the figurehead for an army of profiteers and rent seekers who stand to make untold wealth off of the institution of climate change regulations. Left wing governments are wedded to AGW since it is their best chance for accreting vast power over indivuals and the economy.
At some point all of the issues surrounding climategate will seep into the public consciousness sufficient that it will hit critical mass. We are a long way from that point, I think. At the moment, the left holds all the cards in terms of political power and MSM acquiesence. As an aside, so important is the concept of AGW as a political tool to the left that it is actually written into the EU Constitution.
It would seem that what we have going for us is, one, the internet, and two, a vast army of scientists who look at Climategate and see the penultimate threat Michael Mann, Phil Jones, etc., have created for the legitimacy of their profession. As they file out of the woodwork and demand such things as raw data, methodology and computer programs be made public by climate scientists, then that will be a major step towards putting a dagger in the heart of this madness.
All that said, I think Gore will be like one of the die-hard Japanese soldiers of WWII vintage, refusing to give up long after the war has been lost.
At the end of the day, it's all about money. The non-scientist Al Gore has made too much money to now question the evidently flawed data collected (and deleted). At least Mrs. Palin is being honest AND sensible in recognising that there are environmental concerns and that we cannot and should not take flawed material at face value.
Just my thoughts.
Don't forget, Al Gore also invented the internet so maybe he does know what he's talking about? LOL... Gasbag is the perfect description!
Oh, but they have all the answers to how the deniers are "misinterpreting" the Climategate emails:
And just wait until they pass crap & tax, start selling credits on the market, and some enterprising Summer's Eve with a pocketful of dough to invest starts speculating.... the mortgage "crisis" will be a "so what" event in the minds of the little folks who got handed the brown and sticky end of the stick.
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