This was truly a fool’s errand. Chicago is broke like church mice and had little business trying to compete for such an expensive prize. Obama has far more serious matters on his plate and it was irresponsible to take time for what has been traditionally a local issue. Furthermore the cost of flying both Obama’s to Copenhagen is as highly irresponsible, given the tremendous financial strain our nation is under.
Perhaps now, Obama will start concentrating on more serious matters at hand like that ever rising unemployment rate, which rose again today to 9.8% or Afghanistan which is falling apart as the seams.
UPDATE: And the winner is:...RIO!
Via: Memorandum
Via: BBC Sports
Via: Yahoo Finance
More Karma?
Another loss for B.O.
Will the Olympics be called Racist, now? ,-)
Aunt Amelia:
Will the Olympics be called Racist, now? ,-)
Comment of the day!
I'd like to see a financial accounting of this "pleasure trip". Maybe Harpo will foot the bill for all us poor minion hahahah.
As they say in the hood, Obama was punk'd. It should be interesting how the media and the Obama handle being told "NO" by the world that he is so fond of and claiming to be winning the hearts of. I'm sure the race card will be used, but is anyone listening any more? The games in Chicago, were they planning metals for the extortion and bribery games? Thank God someone told this irresponsible child NO!
@Aunt Amelia
The IOC must hate black people.
I guess the IOC didn't care about the O and O connection.
Remember -chuckle-, I have a "soft, pretty, cozy, etc." blog going, at 'Aunt Amelia's Attic'... >,-)
So I thought I snuck this in, in a cute way... -giggles-
My post today.
And I got Clifton's 'Quote of the Day'!!! Whooo-hoooo! :-)
Yeah "@eloh".... A financial accounting of this "trip." Oh sure, Harpo will foot the bill. >,-)
Where are the paparazzi when we need them.....I think the faces of the three stooges at the very moment of "discovery" would be priceless.......and we all need a few "priceless" joys in our humble lives these days.
WOO-HOOO!! i love it! now maybe prez-o will get back to work.
Yup to all above: who are they going to blame for this? Racism, or also: It's Bush's fault. The world's reps for the Games were just saying, "We don't CARE who you are, DUDE!" BTW, isn't politics supposed to be IDEALLY left out of the Games. Not for Big O guy! He wants to run everything!
I wonder if Obama will consider this 1 of his teachable moments?
BTW, Michelle O promised that she & Obama were going to win in the battle field.. bring home the gold & take no prisoners. What's she been smoking?
Got eliminated in 1st round. And wind up looking like International fools.
Roland Burris blames Bush.
What's next Jimmy Carter calls the IOC racist?
What a shame the racketeering scum of the Chicago Machine won’t have this windfall to skim-off of, LOLOL
Aren't things going great since Valerie Jarret has been running the country?
How's that for "improving America's standing in the eyes of the world?"
"Change you can believe in?"....Uhhh, I don't think that was intended THIS way.
To go or not to go. Obama seems to make the wrong choice every time. The man simply has bad judgement. Not a good quality in a president.
Harpo pay? LOL, Oprah is as addicted to OPM (Other People's Money) just like all the other liberals.
...were they planning metals for the extortion and bribery games?
More like going for the gold in the billion dollar taxpayer shuffle!
The IOC must hate black people.
No Justice No Peace!
Aunt Amelia:
Nice sneak in! You read my mind with your first comment. It was the first think I thought of when I read the news. I said oh, oh, racists at the IOC, LOL
I think the faces of the three stooges at the very moment of "discovery" would be priceless
Talk about a YouTube moment.
Don't bank on it!
Racism, or also: It's Bush's fault.
Roland Burris answered your call.
Arlene Army:
Perhaps if either of them tried to sell Chicago or America rather than personal stories about themselves, they might have done better.
Chris W:
Ding, ding, ding!
Oh yeah, Ms. Jarrett is going to have to stay a slumlord a little bit longer.
Totally a change for the worse! Well Obama is learning the hard way that the world is Anti American not Anti Bush. Big difference.
janie Lynn:
I would love to know who was the bright light who did not calculate the possibility of Chicago losing? Did that idea not cross Obama's mind or anyone in his administration. Could they not have understood how humiliating it would be for a young presidency? Clearly the Hope and Change crew are neophytes.
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