Welcome to Guest Blogger Sunday here at Another Black Conservative. Each Sunday, I like to feature a different blogger from my blog roll, so that you can get a flavor of the various bloggers I follow. This week I am please to bring you Adrienne Ross from Motivation: Truth blog.
I met Adrienne Ross on Team Sarah last year. I was instantly impressed to see another black conservative who strongly and proudly put forth her beliefs, ideas and opinions.
When Adrienne started Motivation: Truth she took those same admirable characteristics and brought them to a wider audience. Her actions served as a major inspiration for me to do the same and thus start Another Black Conservative.
Adrienne is a strong supporter of Sarah Palin like me and has actually met Sarah Palin in person more than once. She is also a board member, media director and State of New York organizer for the 2012 Draft Sarah Committee.
So without further delay, it is my honor to bring you Adrienne Ross from Motivation: Truth.

Tapping into Your Inner-Rogue
By Adrienne Ross from Motivation: Truth
Since Sarah Palin’s book has become a bestseller, Palin-haters have turned out in droves to discredit her. Even those anklebiters who were on hiatus have gathered strength, reloaded, and are aiming once again toward the former vice presidential candidate. The fact that she would be enjoying such success when, upon her resignation from the Governor’s Office, they had giddily predicted her demise, has infuriated them. How is it that someone who has been coined insignificant by the haters has created such a stir with a book that has not yet hit the stands? The truth is if the anklebiters were honest, they’d admit that she is the epitome of significance, and she conjures up within them fear of a magnitude they have never experienced before.
So what weapons have they emerged wielding? Surely they must have some juicy tidbit of information about Governor Palin that will completely discredit her, right? Wrong. Certainly they have created some new Saturday Night Live-ish parody involving her family, yes? Oh, no. They pulled out the big guns this time. The past week has caused such a new outbreak of Palin Derangement Syndrome that the haters have been left with no other choice but to go after her…book title. Yes, I said her book title.
What a sad state of affairs. I truly feel sorry for anyone who is so filled with hate that they will stop at nothing to destroy someone. And since nothing else has worked, they have now unveiled Operation Attack Book Title. And they’re zeroing in on one word in particular: rogue.
I have received comments on Motivation: Truth from some of these people who obviously think that I am in need of a dictionary definition of the word. In their concern for my well-being (yeah, right), they want me to know that I am supporting someone who is a self-avowed…make the children leave the room please…rogue. They inform me that being a rogue is a bad thing. Bad Sarah. Bad, bad Sarah. “How fitting,” one person said, then went on to spew his hateful venom that Sarah Palin picked her title well—because, being the “mean-spirited” person that she is, she deserves it. He wanted me to know that rogue means, “an unprincipled, deceitful, and unreliable person; a scoundrel or rascal.”
Just who do these people think they’re fooling, and who do they think they’re dealing with? No doubt, they have heard the story about some unnamed McCain staffer/s who said Sarah “went rogue” during the campaign. It was a title bestowed upon her in an attempt to malign her.
I believe what Sarah has done is chosen her own definition for going rogue. Although I have not yet read the book, I have a feeling Sarah’s going rogue is a matter of being true to who she is and breaking away from some of those chains those mis-handlers had used to tie her to stale, inept campaign tactics.
Another definition of rogue is “operating outside normal or desirable controls.” That’s the rogue that Sarah Palin exemplifies even today, and I would not be surprised if her book reveals that she tapped into that inner-rogue as the campaign progressed. It reminds me of when Sarah’s dad said, “Let Sarah be Sarah,” when Jesus said of Lazarus, “Loose him and let him go,” and when they say in the hood, “Yo, get up off me!”
The truth is we would all be wise to tap into our own inner-rogues. The problem is some people are scared to operate outside of what’s expected of them. Breaking away from control might mean walking alone rather than having the company of the masses. Every Black conservative, for example, has had to break free of the expectations of the majority of the Black population and a very large portion of the White population as well so they could be true to their own deepest beliefs. It’s not an easy thing to do. It comes at a cost. And it’s downright rogue. Some others would like to, but have simply not yet found the strength to step away from the pack and be true to the one that matters. They’re closet-rogues, which really is an oxymoron. In other words, they’re not rogues at all. Just in case you haven’t figured it out yet, that’s not a good thing.
Sarah Palin has chosen to wear as a badge of honor the term originally conferred upon her as an insult. And she should. Whenever the “normal or desirable controls” are going nowhere fast, the smart thing to do is to resist, break free, and, yes, go rogue—even faster.
My wish for every one of us: May we follow Sarah Palin’s example and tap into our own inner-rogue.
in other words, a rogue is an independent individual who doesn't dance to the tune of the masses. Sounds pretty American to me.
"Rogue" can have bad connotations, such as "Iran is a rogue nation," when such nations flout international standards and laws. However, the term can also have good connotations, as when one breaks away from the pack and from group-think to start a new movement.
In Sarah Palin's case, the latter definition applies! Thanks for this guest post! Clifton has a talent for finding talent!
Thanks for the compliment.
excellent post!
"The problem is some people are scared to operate outside of what’s expected of them. Breaking away from control might mean walking alone rather than having the company of the masses."
so true! and your example citing black conservatives is a very good one. adrienne, you sum it up quite eloquently and correct here. sarah scares the pants off of the left. they fear and hate her like a child fears and hates the boogey-monster.
clifton, you did it again. thanks for highlighting this great thinker.
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