Reid’s statement seems quite reminiscent of Joe Biden’s “clean and articulate" comment regarding Obama. Perhaps white liberals just find clean, light skinned, and articulate Negroes to be quite the anomaly. I can only imagine what Reid and Biden must have thought the first time that got a gander of Condi Rice or Colin Powell.
At any rate, Michael Steele is asking Reid to step down for the comment. Good luck with that one. When a white liberal makes a racist remark, everything is done to put the comment in the rearview mirror at light speed. Immediately, the Four Phases of Forgotten Racial Comments kick in.
Phase 1: The white liberal who made the remark, quickly issues an apology. Phase 2: His fellow liberals will make halfhearted statements of offence, but quickly accept the apology (Obama didn’t even raise an eyebrow) then try to defend or place the statement in “context". Phase 3: Black liberals come out of the woodwork to testify to white liberal offender’s “history of good with the black community”. Phase 4: The Media drops this story like a hot potato and will only revisit the story briefly when they are absolutely forced too.
If Michael Steele really wants Harry to pay for that comment, then he will have to make sure it can never be forgotten. Best way to do that, is to refer to Harry Reid as that "racist Reid” from now on, because the second he doesn't, Phase 4 will take hold and it will be like Harry never uttered a single word.
Oh, by the way, after Reid’s Negro comment, I am beginning to understand how the word Negro ended up on the 2010 census.
Via: Memeorandum
Via: CNN
Via: The Hill
Via: The Washington Times
Via: The NY Daily News
Thank you for posting this!
Common Cents
ps. Link Exchange?
I have a slightly different take on his statements. They are just as insulting to white people. To me he was saying that he was a black man that white people could vote for. If he spoke differently or had darker skin white people couldn't possibly consider voting for him.
Also, who in the heck uses the word negro anymore? Very odd.
I couldn't agree with you more. I was listening to the Reverend Al Tawana Brawley Sharpton this morning when he was asked on Fox news about Reids comments. Al replied just as you said they would. And of course he tried to turn the table and mention Lott Trent who never called anyone any names. Yet Lott was a Republican so that ment he had to be a racist.
Wasn't long ago that the Left tried to label Rush Limbaugh a racist. They made up comment he never said. Even the liberal media was trashing Limbaugh. When asked to prove the statements that they had accused Rush of making, they all were silent. Not one of their claims was true. The left got what they wanted. Limbaugh dropped out of becoming a potential part owner of a NFL team.
If your a Liberal democrat, you can get away with just about anything. The Liberal media will cover for you. Don't worry, Reids comments will be white washed in a hurry by the press.
Its a shame that most blacks will let what Reid said slide. Its an insult to all blacks and they should be willing to speak out no matter what political persuasion they belong to.
As for Obama accepting Reids apology. Thats a joke. Obama cares less about what Reid said. All Obama wants is for it to go away quickly so Reid can get on with doing his dirty behind closed door deeds with the healthcare bill that most Americans don't want.
If Steele wants to keep the fire going. he might just start referring to Dingy Harry as the cracker. I bet that would stir the pot a bit more.
Dingy Harry is on his way out come November and I am certain after this he has put the final nail in his own coffin. I find it doubtful the press in Nevada is going to let this slide nor will his opponents (either side) vying for his seat.
What he said is embarassing to America itself and insulting to black people everywhere as it is definately racist.
I am amazed as foxmulder as to why a majority of black people of ANY party let ANY politician get away with this behavoir including Sharpton and Jackson.
thanks for posting
Reid is not a man of character. And, Democrats are a bunch of hypocrites that are users of minorities just so they can get their vote. Thanks for posting this.
Well said, brilliant Cliff!
Racist Reid. Good idea!
I agree entirely!! It upsets me that it is disregarded because what he said was supposedly meant to be complimentary. Under what circumstances does the lightness or darkness of anybody's skin have anything to do with it being a compliment? That has a whole set of racist assumptions behind it. And that Obama doesn't have a "negro dialect" is also meant as a compliment? Again, a whole set of stereotypes and racist assumptions led up to that statement. Basically, his words read to me that he thinks lightness is better than darkness and that white dialect is inherently better than "negro dialect." Twice in one interview he proved himself to be a racist, and now he's off the hook because he's a liberal. It's shocking!!
Yup, it's "racist Reid" from now on. :)
Senator Reid's comments should start another conversation. Alan Keyes is as articulate as they come, but he wasn't even a consideration. It sure wasn't the economy STUPID!
Yup, it's all so very hypocritical and pathetic. And to think that Colin Powell and Condi Rice fell into the same "category" as Comrade Zero (definition according to Dingy Harry), but yet they considered weren't "real blacks" by the liberal establishment. That was only because they were in the Bush administration and about ten thousand other reasons, although Mr. Powell flipped the script later on and "went left".
Anyone really paying attention here had to know that Reid would get a pass. We shouldn't be surprised. I'm an American who happens to be black and female, but I'm not up in arms about this because it's just plain STUPID and I don't have the time or the energy to waste on crazy stuff. I'm saving my nerves for an emergency. It's a bunch of plantation politics I'm not interested in, don't want and don't need. Yeah, the thing was an insult, but whatever though. *sigh*
This whole thing is an absolute CIRCUS. Who can take this administration seriously? I mean really! *rolls eyes*
If someone calls me 'caucasian' should I be insulted? Negro is a race just as caucasian or white. Of course the libs have a special dictionary that only they can use...
Since Sharpton has come out and tried to spin this and regurgitate the old stuff on Lott, I tend to agree.
The upside is that the media never passed up some trainwreck of a statement that any politician makes, and this statement will come back to haunt him on the campaign trail if it hasn't already.
The Democrats may decide to throw Dingy Racist Reid under the bus, ala Chris Dodd, before it's all over. It will not only make them look morally superior, but more importantly if you're a Democrat, it's the only chance they have of holding onto his seat in November.
Reid is a typical leftist that gets away with things that conservatives would be fired for. Same old double standard for the Democratzi Thugs! Great piece sir..have a great 2010 and keep up the fight for what is right and Conservative!
I always wonder what the best response to this type of comment is. What would any of us say? Thanks for this great post, Clifton! I really enjoyed thinking about comebacks and it was just too obvious......"What happens in Vegas really should stay in Vegas".
Reid's comments give a clear insight into the man. And it's not pretty. Personally, I hope he doesn't resign. He's a daily reminder of just how bad and hypocritical the Dem Party party really is. And he's just given his Republican opponents in Nevada more political commercial fodder! At this point, Reid could lose the election to a toaster.
How about a compromise?
Both Steele and Reid step down.
Yet one more nail in his political, and historical, coffin.
I have to disagree, Cliff. Since when is the term "Negro" racist? It was respectable for many years and used by such civil rights advocates as John F. Kennedy. The word may be out of style, but it has never been (and is not now) racist.
Are we to replace the term "Negro Spirituals" with "African-American Spirituals"? This is silly.
If there is anything in Reid's statement that might be racist, it is his reference to "light skinned," as if to imply that someone totally black would be less acceptable. However, if he meant it in a non-hateful, real-politik sense (which he probably did), there is nothing to apologize for.
Harry Reid is a jerk, but not because of this. I find it appalling that the GOP is now playing the same kind of race-baiting games as the Democrats.
You're welcome. You are already on my blogroll.
Yes, Harry's statement is like a throwback to the bad old days. It suggests that Americans learned nothing from Dr. King.
What you describe is the classic double standard. When Republicans or conservatives say or doing anything off color and their head must be presented on a plate. When a liberal does the same thing, then it is context and understanding time.
Black liberals always come down on black conservatives for not calling out racism on the right, but black liberals are guilty for constantly giving passes for racism on the left.
Reid is toast in NV, but not for this. This incident is already on the fast track to being tramped down and forgotten.
You're welcome.
If Harry Reid was a man of character, he would not be hustling senators for their votes with our money.
Much thanks.
Opus #6:
I wonder if it will stick?
Thinking In Color:
What I got from Reid's statement is that America is still the same old place it was pre-civil rights. That blacks are judged by the color of their skin and not the content of their character.
Fuzzy Slippers:
Yeah maybe it will stick.
"Yes, there's a double standard at play here, but consider the reason
why. The Dems have a history of self-policing..."
Since that is such obvious and blatant bullsh*t, I declined to read any farther.
Leroy Mayfield:
Alan Keyes is without a doubt a brilliant man with an absolute understanding of the Constitution. However, Keyes isn't they best campaigner in the world. He allowed himself to get painted as "nutty" sometimes. That is the kiss of death no matter what color you are.
There was never a second doubt that Reid was going to get a pass. Blacks on the left simply are not allowed to bite the hand that feeds them.
Super Granny:
The actual use of the word Negro really isn't the bad part for Reid. I myself am not too fond of the word. I find it arcane, like Colored People. The racism in Reid's comments comes from the concepts he puts forth.
The media is hot on this story now, but they are going to drop it before it cause Harry any lasting scars. After it is dropped, they won't be revisiting it anytime soon.
I (being "white" and all), don't think "negro" is racist, I think it is un-PC this week. Or is it "black" that is "out"?
I have been corresponding with a person I have never met, of which I have seen no pictures, but from context he seems to be a black male who (apparently) describes himself as "African-American" which strikes me as odd since he lives in Azerbaijan with an Azerbaijani wife. (It might not actually be so odd, I think he said he has kin in Lowell, Massachusetts, so he might be an ex-pat American.
But I think the whole thing is silly and beneath us all--making distinctions between humans and horses makes some sense, but distinctions in minor variations of humans or horses does not so much. (More sense in horses, than humans, I guess._
Harry Reid is safe from the bus. so long as he still has a role to play in bringing out ObamaCare, he is in good shape.
Government Mess:
Thanks and you have a great 2010 too. Let's shake things up this year.
Re: the Vegas remark, very clever.
Writer X:
Reid isn't going anywhere until healthcare is passed. If he fumbles that, all bets are off.
Larry Sheldon:
Ok so long as you understand it would be for totally different reasons,
Average Bro:
Re: Self-policing. Sorry, but from this side of the aisle it looks like you guys are constantly giving passes to white liberals.
Re: Skin tone and dialect: Want to see a dark skinned black man running for the US Senate?
Mr Williams currently holds a statewide office in Texas. So if Texans don't have a problem with skin tone and dialect, I sure it won't be an issue for those "progressive" blue states.
Re: the word "Negro". You know as well as I do, that some of us can get down right fussy with the names. I for one am not a major fan of the word Negro. It seems like a throwback to me.
Old South:
I won't be missing Dingy come November.
Anonymous @ 2:30 PM
Yes it could be perceived as offensive to both sides.
Humm, we do differ here a bit. Regarding the word Negro. It is a throwback. It by itself isn't racist. I for one am not a major fan of the word.
Reid's offensive statements come from the context and not the actual words. For Reid it appears that only certain blacks appeal to Americans at large (light skinned and articulate). This is nonsense, it makes America appear that it is the same place it was some 60 years ago.
You seem to be answering lots of comments, but not letting the comments themselves through.
I, for example, have no idea what your comment to me refers to.
Re: "you guys", I'm an independent who votes for both party's candidates. But sorry, the GOP does a lot more racial pandering. There just isn't a comparison. No sane man can look at the littany of racial stories tied to the GOP this past year alone and say otherwise.
Call me back when Michael Williams wins the GOP nomination. I actually like the guy (although I dislike some of his patronizing "Tea Party" rhetoric), but I don't see how he makes it through without being cannibalized by his own party.
Let's face it! A dark-skinned black man--especially with a "black" dialect--would not have gotten elected and won't get elected for YEARS to come; a Puerto Rican speaking like Anna from the local bodega doesn't make Supreme Court judge either. STOP IT ALLREADY! We are still taught to imitate the majority!
Super post!
I did a post on this over at Rational Nation yesterday but not as brilliant as your!
Well the Liberals, black and white have circled the wagons around Dingy Harry. They won't let any arrows hit their Senate leader.
I've watched one after another Liberal and black come out in defense of Reid. Harry must feel like he's something special today with so many of his compatriots in Washington standing up for him.
Wait till Harry faces the electorate. It will be a whole new ball game. Dingy Harry is on his way out.
This charade by the liberals reminds me of the same game they played when then President Clinton was facing impeachment. All the libs were standing beside their leader. The same leader that told Teddy Kennedy during the elections, "not long ago, Obama would have been serving the coffee instead of running for president."
I wonder if Obama has forgiven Bill for that remark? I doubt he cares now that he's the Messiah.
If a White Republican Conservative had made the remarks that Reid had made, Leroy would be calling for their head. Dont try to shut us up Leroy by trying to talk over us. Its not going to work.
We have too many examples of White conservatives making minor comments and then apologizing, yet ending up looking for new work. I say whats good for the Goose is good for the Gander.
Having said that, Reid won't be leaving till he gets voted out and thrown out on his sleazy ass.
I would have been proud to vote for Clarence Thomas for President, and was happy to see him get appointed to the Supreme Court after one of the sharpest attact by the left I've ever seen.
The Pubic hair in the coffee was as low as any liberal can get. Thank god, Clarence was approved and continues to sit on the highest court of the land.
Too many politicians take a condenscending tone when the speak about, or to, the black community.(Come to think of it, the condenscending tone is not reserved to just one ethnicity) Whether it's racist, or not isn't nearly as important as the arrogance. It's unacceptable to patronize any segment of society and Reid should be hounded for his insolence. He may skate this time, but his party takes another hit for not demanding he resign.
Question? Why do we need a BLACK CAUCUS? Does that mean no whites allowed? I'd presume it does. So who are the real Racists? And what are the qualifications to join? Can you be a Black Conservative and be allowed in the same room with the good old boy gang? I got my doubts.
Did anyone notice the speed with which the White House responded to the story? About two hours to get a "rally 'round Reid" message out. Compare that to the White House's response to the Christmas terrorist attack - maybe 72 hours? Saving Harry's rear appears to be more important that saving Americans.
Thanks for a fellow Tweeter, I can provide another bit of racist comments by the man of the hour, Dingy Harry.
Seems Dingy Harry has a habit of making sly remarks about dark skinned people.
Larry Sheldon @3:19:
Personally, I don't understand why blacks need so many different names. If white people with their various shades of whiteness and live with one word, then why can't blacks.
That being said, I was never fond of the word Negro. It is a wee bit too retro for my taste and African American has to be the stupidest word I ever heard.
Larry Sheldon:
Patience please, you made a bunch of comments right when I was answering other ones.
To explain my original response:
You said ditch Reid and Steele.
I said Ok, but for different reasons. Ditch Reid for his statement and ditch Steele, for his poor performance at GOP chair.
Re: "you guys" OK I made an assumption, my bad. However as an independent who votes both parties, you lean heavily to the left. It isn't hard for someone to make the mistake.
Re: GOP and racial pandering? Most of the reported racial stuff last year was made up controversies generated by what I call the Raaaaacism Industrial Complex. e.g. Maureen Dowd, Jeanne Garafolo, Jimmy Carter, etc. Having righteous indignation about racism on the right, while handing out passes [self-policing, oh please] for racism on the left is just plain hypocrisy.
Re Michael Williams: Do some more homework on him and you will see he as already been re-elected to a statewide office:
Michael Williams is a Commissioner on the Railroad Commission of Texas, which regulates the oil and gas industry. It is the state’s oldest regulatory agency. Elected statewide three times , he was elected to complete an unexpired term in November 2000. In November 2002 and 2008, they re-elected him to full six-year terms.
See those white conservative Tea Party folks in Texas clearly don't have a problem with a dark skinned brother. Perhaps it is time to start letting go of some of that leftwing racial dogma?
LeRoy Mayfield:
You too need to check out Michael Williams. Holding on to leftist racial dogma and ignoring reality doesn't help anyone.
Rational Nation:
Thanks! Two lines from your blog post mirror my feelings exactly
1. Disturbing because it imply's that Americans are racist in general and had President Obama been a dark skinned black who spoke more like a black individual he would have been rejected on that basis. Very disturbing and a completely racist statement by a national political leader.
2. It is long past time to move on to the understanding we are all Americans regardless of race or ethnicity, and each individual should be judged on their merit or lack thereof. Statements such as the one made by Harry Reid have no place in 21st century America as it plays into the race issue in such a way as to continue division along racial lines.
Re the Clinton comment: I still cannot believe that this comment is still cruising under the radar. It is by far much more racist that Reid's comment, yet you hardly hear a word about it. It is some strange left wing pecking order that says, when it comes to ex dem presidents they won't even go there? What gives?
I went over to your blog and read that statement Reid made a few years back about Clarence Thomas. It really has a different type of tone today! Good find.
The party will take the hit for Harry. If Harry didn't play such an important role in shoving health care reform down our throats, he might have a problem.
I have been wonder about the usefulness of the Congressional Black Caucus for quite some time. If singing the praises of Castro and selling a failure like socialism wasn't enough, providing cover for Harry's nonsense seals the deal for me.
Better question, why would a Black Conservative who believes in the power of the individual want to join in a group think organization like the CBC?
Good observation. The answer is because Obama desperately needs Reid's wheeling and dealing on healthcare.
I agree, the Clinton comments to Teddy about Obama getting the coffee, is more racist but then Clinton isn't in charge of shoving Obamacare down the throats of us Americans. I did catch a little of Rush Limbaugh on my lunch break today. Rush gave the Clinton comments plenty of play.
Dingy Harrys earlier comments about Justice Thomas really show how mean spirited Harry can be.
Its one thing to say you disagree with the man, but to demean him like he did was really uncalled for. But Democrats can say things that Republicans would be hammered for saying.
So what is next for Racist Reid? If an 'injun' makes it into a higher office will he talk about how 'red' we are and 'ooooh, wow, a redman who isn't drunk & angry all the time' or some other horse manure?
I have seen plenty of dark skinned 'white' folk who couldn't utter a clear word. They had so thick a drawl that you end asking them to spell it or pound it out in Morse code....and sadly...their 'dark' skin is from NOT bathing....and they are supposed to be 'white'...
I would NOT vote for them because they are 'white' I would NOT vote for anyone who 1) couldn't find soap and water 2) couldn't speak English clearly .....and NONE of that would have ANYTHING to do with ethnicity...oh yeah....having brains would be nice too....and last I checked that was a cross-racial element....so it is really a bit of a 'arse chapper' that Dingy Dufus DipReid thinks us other 'non-black' folk would ONLY vote on a 'negro' based on a few shallow criteria ...rolling my eyes here
I think the salt to the wound of Dingy Dummy's idiocy is the double standard we all know of ....it smites a bit much
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