HOPEfully Massachusetts will stand up and say NO MORE with this vote. I would love nothing more than to be able to smell the fear rolling out of the Dems after a state that is bluer than blue sends a Republican to fill the seat that Teddy Swim Meet held for so long.
By associating themselves with America's founding, conservative activist, tea party patriots, etc have a wealth of powerful and inspiring imagery to fight with.
I think this is a terrific video. Good text and wonderful music. The politician who runs on a platform of "no new legislation until we undo all or some of the really crappy, irritating legislation already has my vote. Enough with the publish or perish attitude.
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adriennerosscom.com. Thank you for all your support for so long.
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I am a black conservative from a black conservative family. I was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York and finally settled in New Jersey. Throughout my life I knew I did not share many of the common beliefs of other American blacks.
For starters, I never took to the term African-American. I have meet too many real Africans who are now Americans, to ever with a straight face say we share something in common other than skin tones. Their history and culture is truly a unique and is a completely different experience from my own. My culture is distinctly American, from the way I speak, think, dress and act and you know what else? I love it! So for me, I will always be an American who just happens to be black.
I put myself and my beliefs out here in cyberspace, to show my fellow blacks that there is something more. That one need not accept the false promise of the next social program, the belief in government as savior or the next Democratic candidate will right all wrongs. That true Hope and Change comes from belief in yourself, in a nation that allows dynamic movement if you are bold enough, smart enough and brave enough to make it happen.
HOPEfully Massachusetts will stand up and say NO MORE with this vote. I would love nothing more than to be able to smell the fear rolling out of the Dems after a state that is bluer than blue sends a Republican to fill the seat that Teddy Swim Meet held for so long.
If Brown wins be ready for the violence from the left. It is what they always do when they don't get their way.
What an emotional video. Anyone that is patriotic cannot help to be moved.
I don't know who is responsible but kudos to them.
Larry Sheldon:
By associating themselves with America's founding, conservative activist, tea party patriots, etc have a wealth of powerful and inspiring imagery to fight with.
j summett:
Only a Brown victory can do that. I fear that if he comes close that just won't be enough to penetrate the wax buildup inside those Democratic ears.
Oh how right you are! That is one of their MO.
The video seems to come from the Brown camp. I don't know if they made it themselves or if it was it made for them.
It is very similar to the America Rising video.
I think this is a terrific video. Good text and wonderful music. The politician who runs on a platform of "no new legislation until we undo all or some of the really crappy, irritating legislation already has my vote.
Enough with the publish or perish attitude.
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